Listen to the words coming out of my mouth

Edgar and I had a dinner and a movie date night last night; now that we're trying to have a baby (more of that to come in another post) we want to make sure that we're still giving ourselves "us" time and that our only focus in life isn't becomeing a baby factory. Even though Edgar would love to do nothing but make a baby. All. The. Time.


We walked down to The Pike to have dinner at everyone's favforite Pan-Asian restaurant, PF Changs. Whatever, scoff if you will, but HOT DAMN, HAVE YOU HAD THOSE DAN-DAN NOODLES? No? Then back off. The meal was great, but our waitress was...well, how should I put this? Mensa. And I mean that in the Spanish language way, which is the exact opposite of what you would think it means in America.

Edgar and I shared two dishes between us. At the end of our meal, one dish was empty, the other had less than a third left, Edgar's rice bowl was empty, my rice bowl was half empty. Our chopsticks were down. Our napkins were on the table. We were sitting back in our chairs and talking. In short, we were done eating. So the waitress comes up and asks "Are you still working, or all you all done?" I've been a waitress before; this is standard. Essentially, you're asking if you can remove the plates. I say "Nope, we're all finished." This should be the point where she asks ok, would you like a dessert menu or just the check? Instead, she asks Edgar "Ok, would you like some more rice?" Um. Lady. We're all finished. That doesn't mean more. So he gives me the look, that look that every married couple can share with one another where you know exactly what the other one is thinking, and says "No, we're done." So she happily says ok and wanders off.

Ok. So we're assuming she'll be back with the check. Instead, we don't see her for about 10 minutes, and when she comes back she says "Can I go ahead and take your plates? I wasn't sure if you were stll working so I just want to make sure you're all finished before I take them." Um. Lady. Again. What do you not understand about "We're finished?" Especially that part where we told you twice? So we give her the okay, and then she starts shilling the dessert menu. Um. Lady. You should have asked that about 10 minutes ago, thank you very much.

I was totally a better waitress than her.

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