Trying to take initiative last night to get my shit done and not wait until the last minute for everything, I finally got around to opening the registration renewal form for my Dodge Neon last night. It's not due until the beginning of March, but I wanted to be responsible and do the right thing. Also known as not waiting until the week before it's due and then being forced to go the DMV in order to get my new tag in time.
So there I am, responsibly writing my check, la la la la la, putting it in an envelope with my change of address information filled in, licking the envelope, adding a stamp, la la la la la, look at me being a responsible adult, when I unfold another insert that had been sent with it. THIS page said that I had to submit a Smog Check Certification this year.
Um, what?
When I registered this car in California two years ago, I had a Smog Check certification done the day before I went to the DMV, because I had been told by everyone that I knew to have it done before I went because I would need it and they would require it. And so I was at the DMV, DOING THE RESPONSIBLE THING AND REGISTERING MY CAR, and I was all "Hi, DMV lady, here's my Smog Check Certification," and she was all "OH, I DON'T NEED THAT." The Smog Check Certification that I had spent over $60 bucks on the day before, she DID NOT NEED IT.
And now, all of a sudden, two years later, they're all "Oh, oops, we need a Smog Check Certification!" GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER, YOU CALIFORNIA DMV MOTHERFUCKERS.
Because I'm pretty sure that my two year old Smog Check Certification will no longer be accepted, even though those things are good for like five years, and it is all their fault. NOT MINE, THEIRS! I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I don't care how cliched it is: I hate the DMV.
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