One More Thing

Ok, I'm not so much about posting more than once in a day, but I can't keep my mouth shut about this one.......

Fla. Students' shirts: 'Islam is of the Devil'

GAINESVILLE, Fla. - A lawyer for a north Florida school district says a handful of students have been sent home from Alachua County Schools this week for wearing shirts that read "Islam is of the Devil."
School district
staff attorney Tom Wittmer says the shirts might have offended or distracted others and violated the district's dress code.
The shirts are connected to a local church called the Dove World Outreach Center Church Senior Pastor Terry Jones tells The Gainesville Sun that spreading the church's message is more important than education.
The congregation says a 10-year-old elementary school student was sent home Monday because of the shirt. Three high school students were sent home Tuesday and a middle school student also had to change clothes.

Really?! No, really?! "Spreading the church's message is more important than education." Really?! I'm pretty sure education is more imporant than spreading hate.

Indoctrination at its worst. People like this must be stopped. Like an elementary school child really understands the tenets of faith for Muslims. Clearly the Dove World Outreach Center doesn't.

Grow up, people. The world is bigger than your own backyards.

Thanks, MSNBC, for the article.

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