Yay, it's Friday! Except I'm really not looking forward to this weekend :(
Edgar and I are currently living with his parents due to the unfortunate circumstance of us both being out of work at that same time. Now that we're both employed again, we've found our own place, but it's unfortunately not going to be ready for another two weeks. And, for our own bad luck, his parents are moving this weekend. So that will be two moves in two weeks for us, and for that I am not very happy.
Not that the place his parents (and, by extension, us) live in right now is a palace. It's a two bedroom apartment in an old complex that is full of loud children and loud dogs, as well as an increasingly annoying neighbor who can't seem to talk in anything other than a yell and has a cat named "Meow Meow" that she is constantly losing. And living in the San Gabriel Valley without central air conditioning this summer has been pure hell.
If anything, at least we'll get a two week jump on the central air. They'll still be in the valley but that central air will be a life saver considering what temperatures around here are supposed to do over the next week. It won't be needed as much at our new place that we'll be moving into in a few weeks since we'll be living near the beach, but it's always nice to have it when you need it (for those of you that are not familiar with Southern California, inland valleys tend to run about 20 degrees hotter during the day than the beaches). At the current place we're at, there is a wall unit AC in the living room, but as soon as you take two steps into the hallway to the bedrooms or the kitchen it's like climbing inside an oven. The bathroom gets so hot that you can hardly breathe, but since we're living with my mother- and father-in-law I'm not exactly going to leave the bathroom door open to air out while I'm in the shower and getting ready in the morning. My mother-in-law is also an old school Mexican lady who will just sit in the heat and not do anything about it, so she'll never turn the AC on herself. Edgar and I will come back from the movies on a weekend afternoon into the inferno, where the apartment will be 100 degrees inside, she'll be sweating up a storm, compounded by her hot flashes, trying to cool off using a paper fan that she's waving in front of her face. Unless you say "Hey, it's hot! Let's turn on the AC," she'll just sit and suffer.
I am happy for my in-laws, though, because they've been living in that apartment for almost 20 years and they're finally going to be moving into an actual house. They're still renting, but it's better than being stuck in that apartment. It would just be nicer if their move wasn't happening until after ours. Or maybe I'm just jealous because I'm really excited for my and The Hubby's new apartment and wish the move was for us to go there now, instead of making a stopover (albeit brief) in another place that's not ours.
Or maybe I'm just lazy and the idea of physical labor pains me.
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