It's rainy and cloudy and gross today and it's put me in an all around sour mood. I've always disliked the expression "sour mood;" I've never been quite sure how one goes about being sour. I always kind of associated it with being smelly. But I think that it perfectly applies to today. I woke up sour, I showered sourly (see? no smelliness involved), I had a brief respite from the sourness as I brushed my teeth and was generally minty, then I sourly trudged out of my apartment to the car and have continued with the sourness ever since.
Days like these are a total bummer. It's one of those days where I'm just looking for the bad. And nothing really bad has happened besides all that crappy rainy-ness and cloudiness (I even won a $25 gift card to Target at work!), but I still have absolutely no part of my being that wants to contribute to making this a good day in any way. I want to get home, close the blinds on the patio door from the bedroom, put my pajamas on, and watch TV in a cave until it's time to go to bed. I don't even want to read because that would require turning the light on and I WANT THE DARKNESS.
Surprisingly, I wrote those last few sentences in the absence of black eyeliner, candles, an iPod stocked with lazy emo, and a few dozen Twilight posters clustered about my walls.
So I guess I have that going for me.
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