This is one job where I'll forgo the salary

Makin' babies, makin' babies, makin' babies.

Who knew it was this much work?

And I knew that everyone had opinions on it, but jeez! Do it every other day. Do it every day. Buy those really expensive tests that you pee on to let you know if you're ovulating and only do it when they say you are, not any other time just for fun because then you'll NEVER GET PREGNANT. Don't eat deli meat! (Yeah, I thought that one was weird, too).

And now that my parents know that we're trying to get pregnant I'm getting a lot of "any news yet?" questions asked in that hopeful voice that I quickly have to dash and be the party pooper and be all "nope, no news," when I really want to add on the end AND THERE NEVER WILL BE IF YOU DON'T STOP.

Glad to see I'm currently working on pregnancy mood swings. Edgar, hold on to your chonies, this is gonna get crazy.

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