It's Wednesday

Ok, so I didn't win the lottery last night. That's ok, though, because no one else did and that means the jackpot will be $325 million on Friday, so I'd rather win it then anyways. :)


In other news of the day events, RIP Ted Kennedy. I was reading last night when the Special Report came on announcing that he had died. It made it very apparent that the Kennedy Curse is still alive. Along with his sister Eunice Kennedy Shriver, that's two in one month. This family cannot catch a break.

The announcement also led me to consider how the Kennedy dynasty is dwindling out. I wasn't alive during the time of JFK and RFK, but I was a young girl for the time of Jackie O and John Jr's deaths, as well as that of a lesser cousin that died while trying to play football and ski at the same time (Michael? His name eludes me at the moment).

There's one Kennedy left in Congress, and while Caroline Kennedy turns up in the press every now and then, it seems like most of this glamorous political family is gone. By the time my kids are my age, the Kennedy name will most likely no longer be synonymous with a political dynasty that pushed for social change....JFK will probably be the only one they ever learn about in school, because he was the only one that was ever president. None of the others will be newsworthy so long after death, except maybe RFK.....but by that time, who knows if our failing education system will even cover him?

Just a thought.

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