Movie of the Week

Edgar and I just got back from seeing "Inglourious Basterds," and I have to say that despite the huge anachronism of the movie's climax, I enjoyed it more than any Tarantino film that I've seen in a very long time. And no, not because of Brad Pitt. This was old-school Tarantino at its finest. Lots of words, lots of gore, lots of humor.

The funniest part of the movie for me wasn't part of the film itself though. Right after the lights went down for the previews, a group of three people came into our row to go across Edgar and I towards the center. So the first two people, with low-voiced "Excuse me"s shuffle past us. But then #3, a cracked-out-looking bottle blonde, starts reaching out in the dark, feeling the air to find the seat next to me, upon which my purse is sitting. I instinctively pull my purse into my lap. The hands come closer. I lean in my seat towards Edgar. The hands come still closer. I can't take it any more. "I'm not your friend!" I hiss in panic as she grabs my arm. So after a whispered "Sorry" she finally moved past us to her friends and life went on. Reflecting on it in the car on the way home though, the image in my head of my crouching fearfully in my seat as the Crypt Keeper tried to feel me up was too much too take and Edgar and I were laughing so hard that I started to cry.

But seriously, come on. How stupid must a person be to hear their friends say "Excuse me" and then not climb over the people that were sitting there? Do they normally say "excuse me" to a chair before they sit on it? I get it, it was dark, but really? Some people should just stay home....

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