I'm gonna win the lottery and buy a helicopter

Seriously, I've had enough already. These bat-shit insane drivers that I've been encountering on my way home from work this past week are driving me ABSOLUTELY LOONY. I will soon be one with the bat-shit.

I'm pretty sure that's unsanitary.

My drive home from work, while taking less than half time now that I live in Long Beach as compared to when I was living in West Covina, is kind of like an obstacle course. First, there's the "Ooo, here? Maybe here? Oh no, gone to far!" game every day of trying to figure out when exactly to get over to make a left-hand turn from Crenshaw Boulevard onto PCH. The standard left hand turn lane is far to short to handle rush hour traffic, and instead of that overflow spilling to the next lane and backing it up, there's one of those yellow-line-on-each-side lanes that runs up the rest of the street. People who are savvy to the traffic at that time of day know that when they see a line of traffic in that yellow enclosure that they need to suck it up and get in line. But then there are the ASSHOLES who don't get over and then stop in the next lane with their blinker on, blocking traffic, and try to intimidate you by playing chicken with their front bumper to get in front of you. GO TO THE BACK OF THE BUS, MISTER.

After navigating this minefield, it's on to PCH, which is nothing but a plethora of stoplights, and the four miles that I have to spend on it every day take up over half of my commute time. And then you have to watch some jackass in front of you bounce around from lane to lane, always trying to get ahead, thinking he's a race car driver, and ten minutes later he winds up RIGHT BACK IN FRONT OF YOU. It doesn't work, dude. Save yourself the trouble.

Once I can mercifully get off of PCH, I end up on the 110 freeway. Joy of joys, the on-ramp is one of those lanes that continue on to the next exit; it's not forcing you to merge right away. So it's often my luck to get stuck behind some jackass that's getting off at the next exit and therefore has no need to accelerate above 30 mph. Or they're Asian (OH YES I DID). Or some person in the lane you want to merge into that wants to get into my lane, but every time I speed up they speed up and every time I slow down they slow down and it's just like "Um, excuse me, can you quit annoying the fuck out of me so we can do this?" And then the next lane over is no better because it's loaded with semis that are getting off at the next exit after that. A girl's only choice is to dart into that lane, gain some momentum, keep her eyes on the next lane over in the sideview mirror, and jump over whenever there is sufficient space.

This is where my problem has been the last two days. I don't cut people off. Even if you're pissing me off, I don't cut people off. Mainly because I don't trust other drivers, and I really don't feel like them fucking up my lovely red Dodge Neon and forcing me into another five years of car payments. Because I only have liability coverage. UNDERINSURED AND PROUD OF IT. So for the last two days, yes, TWO days, I have waited for that appropriate gap to get over, and all of a sudden cars are all up behind me about to run over me. As in they are like hundreds of yards behind me when I check that lane before I move over, and then all of a sudden they're on top of my ass. As in they are so far back that you can't even judge how fast they're going, because how could somebody that far back ever catch up to you. Which leads to the question: If I am going over 70, and you can get to me that quickly and are about to run over me, you've got to be pushing 90, SO WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU IN THE #2 LANE? I'm all about the driving fast and the getting home as quickly as possible, and I waste no time in the #2 lane. The purpose of the #2 lane is to get myself at a sufficient speed to move into the #3 lane. Ninety mph is definitely #4 lane material. RULES OF THE ROAD, RIGHT THERE.

So the first time, it's this old purple ghetto Windstar. He was way far behind me when I checked my mirror, far enough back that if he was going at normal #2 lane speed he never would have caught up to me. But this....this....DOUCHEBAG! Oh my god I said it again, he made me say it....time warps to the back bumper of my car and I can see him in my rearview mirror throwing his hands up and yelling and trying to be all hard, and when I see that, IT JUST MAKES ME SLOW DOWN. Don't push me. So he finally gets into the next lane (where he should have been all along) to pass me, and flips me off as he drives past, leaning forward just to flip me off a little bit more as he pulls ahead like "Oh my god oh my god oh my god I have so much middle finger for you that the first time you saw it it wasn't enough!" And I was all "Dude, you drive a 14 year old purple minivan. Not impressed."

And then yesterday, same thing. I get in the #2 lane after checking to make sure that the next vehicle is far enough back. Which he totally was. But again, he all of a sudden put on his super speed and starts FLASHING HIS LIGHTS AND HONKING HIS HORN as he starts to catch up to me. Dude, I can see you. You're going 90, why are you even in this lane?

I'm not even getting into the part after the freeway with the people who have mental blocks that prevent them from crossing bridges at more than 15 mph and then people who have stupid philosophies on when it's okay to drive through a crosswalk.

My conclusion: My was is the only way, and those motherfuckers need to never drive again. Ever.

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Some movies would be a lot less annoying if they considered this

How to be a Successful Overlord

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Can't. Stop. Watching. Why?


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Wax on, wax off

I'm going to talk about earwax now. If you're not a fan of the almighty wax, you might want to take a step back.

I have had earwax problems for what I feel like is my entire life. The problem being that I have an obsession with sticking Q-Tips in my ears and digging for gold. If I go too long without Q-Tipping my ears, I become like an addict in need of a fix, and I switch from the coke to the crack just to keep myself from illin', and crack is my fingernails. So, yes, I'm that random person that you'll see in her car absolutely GOING TO TOWN on her ears, trying to dig her fingers down as deep as she can go. I'm sick, I know.

Obviously, this type of meticulousness isn't good for your ears. You can run into lots of dangers, like irritating them, scratching the insides raw, or, say, poking out your eardrum. Obviously, since I still do it, I've never poked out my eardrum and all of this practice has helped me learn exactly how far in I can go with my cotton-tipped friends. I know I shouldn't be doing this, but it's a habit and I can't help it. Restraint is no good, and sometimes it's even an absent minded thing and I don't realize I'm doing it until I'm doing it. It's bad.

This habit has landed me in the doctor's office a few times when I was younger. More times than I thought; I recently picked up a copy of my medical records since Edgar and I moved to Long Beach and were no longer near the only doctor that I ever went to in California, and I was going back and reading through all of the stuff dating back to when I was born. I went to the doctor at least four times for this. If I was my mom, I would have glued earmuffs to my head and been done with it. But I would end up back in the doctors office because sometimes, instead of scooping up the earwax on the Q-Tip, a little bit would get pushed farther in, farther in than I go because, like I said, I know how far I can go. Do this enough times and those little bits of earwax add up and can form a layer that covers your eardrum and then you are absolutely miserable. Because now your hearing is impaired in that ear and all the sounds are muffled, everything is quieter, and when you watch TV you have to watch it at the same level that your 82 year-old grandfather does. BECAUSE YOU CAN'T HEAR. Not being able to hear does yield a few advantages, like helping to dull the sound of the voices of really annoying people or lessening the deafening roar that is your cat when you come home, but for the most part: not that fun.

So when I was younger, I would end up at the doctor, and he would put these drops in my ear to dissolve the wax. After letting the drops do their thing, he would sit me up and use this high-powered, Super Soaker type thing to flush out my ear. Oh, sweet relief. I would be able to hear again and my ears would actually feel clean, and that would be the only thing that would keep me from having to attack them with Q-Tips. Eventually that squeaky clean feeling would go away, and then I'd go back to the Q-Tips, and then the cycle would start all over again.

Other times, the problem wouldn't be the earwax, it would be the ear canal itself. After getting swabbed by a Q-Tip two or three times a day the skin can get dried out and irritated. And when it's irritated it gets painful and swollen. In these cases, there's not really anything you can do but lay off the Q-Tips, AS MUCH AS YOU NEED THEM, and swab the area with peroxide day and night.

Since I've gotten older and started working and not had the luxury (or in the last year, the insurance) of being able to go to the doctor whenever I needed it, I've taken to self medicating in these situations. You can buy these little kits at the drugstore that are eardrops designed to break up the wax in your ear, and they come with his little bulb that you can rinse your ear out with once you're done. THESE DROPS SUCK. Not that they don't do the job, it's just that they do the job eventually. I go to them whenever I have that "oh, crap" moment when I pull the Q-Tip out and realize that my ear is clogged again. So I lay on my side, I put the drops in, and then I fidget for 10 minutes as the bubbles tickle the inside of my ear (this is actually the best part, because you can hear all the bubbles fizzing and popping right there inside your ear and it's kind of funky). But then the bad part happens, because you know that bulb I mentioned? Yeah, the directions say to use it to flush out the drops and wax with warm water. Tell you what: It doesn't work. You just end up with a water-logged ear, no matter how you contort your head for it to drain, so then you go around feeling like you have swimmers ear and everything sounds like it's underwater on that side. I eventually discovered that if you just stick the end of a wadded up tissue in there after 10 minutes and flip the side that you're laying on so that it can drain, and don't use the water, that you can knock it out after a few treatments and you don't have to feel all water-logged. They're not as good as the doctor treatment, because that's a one shot deal. These take days.

So right now, I'm in the midst of a double whammy, a clogged left ear that is also swollen. It began with the clogging. I was trying to avoid having to go to the drops, sometimes I can angle the Q-Tip just right so that I will be able to swipe up the offending wax, and, let me tell you, when I do that, it is JUST SO SATISFYING. I love nothing more than to pull a Q-Tip out of my ear and see the end covered in wax. Well, I might be exaggerating there, there are a few things that I love more than that, but this is right up there. It's like that guilty pleasure that you get when you pop a really big pimple. Anyways, it didn't work. And somewhere along the line, my ear started to swell. And now, AND NOW, my ear is clogged and my ear canal is super swollen and it hurts like a mo fo. It hurts reeeeeeeeaaaally bad. Like THIS MUCH bad. If I press on my cheek right in front of my ear, it hurts. If I press on the back of my ear, it hurts. If I press up on my ear, it hurts. It even hurts down into my jaw on that side when I eat. I've dealt with this before, and peroxide always wins in the end, but this discomfort is just so annoying. And what's more annoying is I know that I HAVE BROUGHT THIS UPON MYSELF. I know, I get it. And you know what's even more annoying than that? Is that I can't stick an effing Q-Tip in there to make it better! And it itches! I NEED MY Q-TIPS. The muffled hearing out of that ear is what is bugging me the most, though, and I'm hesitant to use the ear drops while my ear is swollen like that, because I'm worried that the drops will sting my raw and angry ear.

What's a girl to do? (Hint: the answer here is not to tell me that I should lay off the Q-Tips)

I will survive. I WILL survive. Earwax will NOT be the end of me.

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This might be my new favorite thing ever

Twilight: The Abridged Script

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Two minutes and thirty-five seconds of awesomeness

I am no where near patient enough to create this, but Thank Whoever that there are people in the world that can bring us this:

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You are no Santa

There are a lot of ways that living in California trumps living in Indiana. There are a lot of ways that living in Indiana trumps living in California.


  • No snow or ice (unless you go looking for it up in the mountains)
  • No tornadoes
  • It hardly ever rains
  • Lots of sunshine once the marine layer burns off
  • Seeing a TV show shooting a few blocks away from your apartment as you walk to happy hour
  • The ability to go surfing and skiing all in the same day
  • The weather channel has to give three different weather forecasts: one for LA, one for the beaches, and one for the inland valleys, because they're all different
  • People call interstates "freeways"
  • The number of a freeway is always prefaced with "the"
  • Much better ethnic food restaurants
  • Carls, Jr!
  • Driving an hour and a half in rush hour traffic to get to work doesn't seem like a big deal
  • Thunderstorms!
  • Different types of rain
  • No earthquakes
  • The Indy 500
  • Colts football every Sunday during football season without having to pay DirecTV for the NFL Sunday Ticket
  • Changes of seasons
  • People call the freeways "interstates"
  • You don't have to preface an interstate number with "the" ("The 465," are you kidding me?)
  • White Castle!
  • Drive an hour and a half to work and you end up in Ohio, that's how awesome rush hour traffic is
So, when I moved to California, I was happily in the land where no tornado could come and huff and puff and blow my house down, and then I was introduced to the Santa Ana winds. I'm not really sure what causes the Santa Ana's, but it's a seasonal weather thing with winds that can gust at like 80 mph on a continual basis all day and all night. They thrive in the canyons and inland valleys and the land even further inland than that. When Edgar and I lived in Ontario, the Santa Ana's were so bad that they would knock over the landscaped trees in our apartment community, cover our cars in dirt, knock over patio furniture, generally wreaking havoc on the morning after clean-up. I got used to them fairly quickly, and when the winds would kick up I'd just be like "Oh, hmpf, the Santa Ana's again" and that would be that, and I would walk away feeling satisfied that I had successfully assimilated. HOWEVER. When we moved to Long Beach, I secretly thought to myself "How awesome is this, no more Santa Ana's!" Here we are, living less than a mile from the water, how would it be possible to have Santa Ana strength wind here?

Apparently it's possible. I want my money back.

Something crazy and wacky was going on in the air yesterday, because by the time I got home, the wind was insane. There were dirt and leaves and palm tree fronds whipping around the sidewalks, trash blowing around everywhere, and the cat was freaking the hell out because he was all "This? I thought we were done with this shit?" And I was all "Me too, little buddy, me too." And that stupid wind kept me up until ONE O'CLOCK this morning. That is one hour after midnight. That is five hours before I have to get up. THAT IS NOT RIGHT.

California, you're testing me. I don't like it. Quit it.

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I win

WARNING: This post is going to be about how awesome my husband is, so if you don't want to read it, or you're already sick of reading about how awesome he is, stop now. See? I'm friendly. I care. I watch out for you.

We had a work-sponsored happy hour yesterday at an El Torito Grill near the office. There are only two men that work in my office, and one of them was hesitant to RSVP last week because he didn't want to be so outnumbered by the girls. Spouses/significant others were welcome, so I told him I would bring my husband to help even up the score. Both of the guys in my office ended up not being able to go at the last minute, so Edgar, my wonderful, understanding, caring husband Edgar, had to be the only male at an all-girl happy hour. Poor guy.

I felt so bad for him, but he was so great. That man could make friends with anyone. I got nothing but good reports today from my co-workers, telling me how nice my husband was and how funny he was and how they were so happy I brought him.

My husband totally kicks the ass of any other husband.

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Black ski masks

Um, Charter. Again? Really?

Our bank account was charged another $30 from Charter Communications today despite the fact that we do not have an account with them and that means WHY ARE YOU STEALING OUR MONEY? That's now over $80 that they have jacked from us.

This is gonna be interesting.....

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Our immortal souls may matter after all

Edgar: Hmm, College Game Day is at BYU.

Amanda: That's weird, who're they playing?

Edgar: TCU.

Amanda: As in Texas Christian?

Edgar: Yep.

Amanda: So it's the Mormon's versus the Christians?

Edgar: Uh-huh.

Amanda: Joseph Smith versus Jesus?

Edgar: Yep.


Amanda: We should probably care how this turns out, huh?

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Apple a day my ass

Today was the first day that I've hated my new computer. Hated like the way that you hate that girl in high school who never had to wear the same outfit twice and always had the perfect hair and designer makeup and an expensive car. But she was really nice and so you felt bad to hate her, but you still hated her and wanted to throw her out a window? That's how I hated my computer today. But I didn't throw it out the window, just like I never threw that girl out of the window, because I'm better than that.

The impetus to this font of hate was my feeble attempt to transfer my iTunes library from my old crappy computer to the new computer. I thought I was being so good, I went to the Apple website and everything, and I was following the directions, following the directions, followng the directions, but nothing would go right. If I had some blank CDs, this would have been a much easier process. But I didn't, so I followed the directions to use my iPod as a hard disk to transfer the music. Except that's where the Apple directions turned into a total FAIL. And I'd just like to note here that I have the newest version of iTunes on my computer. And the Apple website directions are for the newest version. FYI. So it tells me for the new computer that I need to backup the things that I have in that iTunes library so they don't get erased when I load the new music on there. Okay, simple enough. So it says to go File>>Library>>Consolidate Library. EXCEPT THERE WAS NO 'CONSOLIDATE LIBRARY.' Way to suck, directions. So there was no way for me to save my new music, which totally sucks because I have about $45 of recently downloaded music on the new computer. So I chose the next best option, which was Export Library, so something like that, and saved a copy of it in a different folder. I think that works, right?

Then, the directions wanted me to move the original iTunes Library folder on to my desktop. This is where the window came in. The computer wouldn't let me do it. No matter how hard I tried. It kept saying that I needed administrator permission to do it, except I AM THE ADMINISTRATOR, so what the fuck?

I'd like to also mention that at this point I was about three hours into this project. Three hours in because everytime I tried to copy the iTunes folder from the old computer onto the iPod, it would copy copy copy copy for about 10 minutes then tell me the disk was full. So I'd have to cancel it, make the folder smaller, and try again. And then it would do the same thing. Again and again and again and again and again and aren't you as frustrated at my computer after reading all of this as I am? Because if you aren't, you have no soul.

At this point, I do what I always do when computer problems have me down, and I called my Dad. Daddy. The man who, despite being 2300 miles away, can fix everything. HE COULDN'T FIX THIS. He also laughed and told me that I could just download a program on the old computer that is already on my new computer that would allow me to hook a USB cord between the two and transfer all the files I wanted. Of course, Apple never told me this because Apple wants ALL PC USERS TO DIE.

At this point, I just aborted the whole project, because the only thing you should ever spend over three hours on is the director's cut of Titanic. Or The Lord of the Rings. Both were pretty cool. Or childbirth. NOT FUCKING WITH YOUR ITUNES LIBRARY.

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Guacamole: A Love Story

Breaking from tradition, I went to Quizno's today for lunch. I say "breaking from tradition" because tradition is a Lean Cuisine that I eat at my desk. I could not take another Lean Cuisine. Or Healthy Choice. Or Smart Ones. Or Eating Right. I am frozen entree fried. I fear if I eat any more that I will soon be crapping only Santa Fe Rice and Beans.Thus, Quizno's.

I haven't eaten at Quizno's in forever. I was somewhat put off of Quizno's after my last experience there with my husband, probably almost two years ago. There was a Quizno's near a Ralph's and a Blockbuster a few miles from our first apartment that we had together. We normally would do our grocery shopping on Friday nights after work, go to the Blockbuster and grab a few movies, pick up some takeout for dinner, and settle into an evening of domestic bliss. You may think that's boring. Excuse me, did you not read my use of the term 'bliss'? Domestic bliss totally kicks ass, and ye singles should not be knockin' it.

Okay, going off topic. Right. Quizno's.

We go to Quizno's. Two stoners are working behind the counter. Now, let me be clear and say that I have no problem with stoners. I myself was a super-stoner from my senior year in high school through when I graduated college. Then I realized I needed a real job, and with that real job took on the responsibility of things like rent and health insurance and groceries, and could no longer afford said stoner activity, especially the groceries for the munchies. But I was a good stoner. I was a stoner that graduated second in her class in high school and first in her class in college. And the only reason I missed out on being valedictorian in high school was because my junior year I wanted to take AP Chemistry, which would have vaulted me over the person that ended up being valedictorian, but they only offered the class during fourth period, and fourth period was show choir. Yes, show choir. I gave up valedictorian for show choir. Whatever, my sister was valedictorian of her high school class and she never got anything special for being that either, except the title of valedictorian. My valedictorian was not in show choir, so she did get to take the AP Chemistry class. Suck it, valedictorian girl, you didn't get to wear dresses covered in sequins for three years while you sang and danced!

Oops, off topic again. Right. Stoner guys working at Quizno's.

Stoner guys took about 15 minutes to make our sandwiches. There were no other customers before us. None after us. Fifteen minutes. FIFTEEN MINUTES. They, however, probably thought they were going super fast, because they were stoned, and in Stoned Time fifteen minutes is like 18 seconds and HOLY SHIT, DID YOU SEE HOW FAST I MADE THOSE TWO SUBS? IT WAS LIKE 18 SECONDS.

So being fairly disgruntled, Edgar and I got home, unpacked our groceries, and opened up our sandwiches. Our sandwiches that were made ALL WRONG. I had asked for something with chicken, maybe turkey, I'm not quite sure because it's been a long while now, but the sandwich I unwrapped was prime rib. That's not even in the same category of animal! Cow, not poultry. Four legs, not two. And I hate prime rib. So there I was, no sandwich to eat, not willing to go back because I didn't feel like being arrested in the double murder of two stoned Quizno's employees.

This boycott of Quizno's has unintentionally lasted almost two years. It wasn't really an intentional thing, it was just that after we moved away from that Quizno's I never really had a craving for it, haven't really lived close to one, and it's never come up. But there's a Quizno's by work, I was hungry, I was fearing the Lean Cuisines, and it made a perfect storm.

After perusing the menu for a few minutes, I finally decided on the Turkey, Bacon, and Guacamole sandwich. Seems yummy, right? Until I got back to the office with it and discovered *gasp* THEY USE IMITATION GUACAMOLE. All it is is mushed up avocado that they freeze and then squeeze out of a bag. THAT IS NOT GUACAMOLE. Guacamole should be made fresh, and it has more ingredients than just avocado. That's why it's called guacamole, not avocado. This guacamole, this cheap imitation of guacamole, is the kind that restaurants order in bags that come in bulk that they freeze in the freezer until the day that they need it, and then they throw it in a boiling vat of water to unfreeze it, along with bags of things like "homemade" chicken noodle soup or marinara sauce. Guess what, people? If the menu says homemade, they're probably lying. It was delivered to them on a truck in a frozen bag until the day you ate it. I used to be a waitress, I know this, and now I'm giving away trade secrets and they'll never let me back in the club. I DON'T CARE, I'M TAKING A STAND ON MY GUACAMOLE.

This is clearly important to me, because back when I didn't know better, I used to think that I hated guacamole. I told everyone it looked like something that I would find in my niece's diaper. And maybe that's true, I haven't changed any bright green diapers as of late, but it could happen. And because of that mental image, I wouldn't eat it for the longest time, but when I finally did.....oh, when I finally did. Eating guacamole was like coming to Jesus, it was JUST THAT GOOD. My husband doesn't eat guacamole. I KNOW, what kind of Mexican is he? A BAD ONE. You know what else he doesn't eat? Cheese. Queso. He's not havin' it. It was very odd to me when I met him, because I come from a place called the Midwest where we are of a firm belief that if it doesn't have cheese on it, it's not worth eating in the first place. Oops, we weren't talking about cheese, we were talking about guacamole. My husband doesn't eat guacamole! He says he's allergic to avocado. On our second date, we got burritos from this awesome Mexican place called Alberto's, and it had guacamole in it, but he didn't die. He claims that it made him really nauseous and that he had to try really hard to not look like he was going to throw up. I didn't find out about this avocado aversion until several dates later, and I was all "Um, why didn't you tell me that burrito was about to make you throw up?" and he said "Oh, I didn't want you to feel bad since you suggested the burrito." THANKS FOR SPARING MY FEELINGS, BUDDY. YOu gave it away, guacaomle won't kill you, GIVE IN TO ITS GREATNESS.

Oops, off topic once again. Right. Quizno's is a total cheater when it comes to guacamole.

Congratulations Quizno's, I'm probably not going to eat you for another two years.

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Trip or fall?

Yesterday while playing around on the computer and being kind of bored, I discovered the joy of StumbleUpon. I know I'm way behind the times on this, but please forgive me, because I'm the lazy type and it's much easier for me to go "Eh, maybe later" than it is to take action to do anything new. YOU KNOW YOU ARE TOO. Don't judge me.

So StumbleUpon is pretty cool. You tell it what you like, and then you can begin "stumbling" and it will take you to random things on the internet that it thinks you will like based off what you told it you like. If you become a member, which is free, you can also rate stuff with a thumbs up or thumbs down; I'm sure this somehow affects how often others stumble on it, but I don't know how, so I'm not going to pretend like I do. Using it yesterday I found some pretty funny sites, so I decided to add a BlogRoll to my page because sharing is caring and so I share. Some stuff I already read, some is new. This is also why I've also started posting links to random stuff. F to the Y to the I.

It's also a great way to find new readers and get your site/blog out there to people you think will enjoy it (at least, I think this is true, but as I have not registered my blog with them yet, I don't know--I'm just having too much fun finding random silly things). And even if people don't find you, you can still come across random things like hamsters in wine glasses. Who doesn't want to see that? NO ONE, THAT'S WHO.

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What about popcorn?

Easy Mac Micro Maniac

I like the soap.

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Twenty-five motivational posters

25 Motivational Posters

I LOL'd, too.

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Because I like this kind of stuff

I like learning random facts, so if you do too, check this out. Among my favorites:

Dublin is home of the Fairy Investigation Society.

A ten-gallon hat holds three-quarters of a gallon.

A parthenophobic has a fear of virgins.

More money is spent each year on alcohol and cigarettes than on Life insurance.

Elizabeth Blackwell, born in Bristol, England on 3 February 1821, was the first woman in America to gain an M.D. degree.

The Dutch in general prefer their french fries with mayonnaise.

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No joke

I was getting lunch at Rubio's today, and I heard the woman ordering after me say this:

"Can I get a lot of extra white sauce?"

Maybe I have the emotional maturity of a 13 year old, but I think that is FREAKING HILARIOUS.

And it might also be of note that she got a ton of extra napkins.

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Everyone who is not me is not allowed to drive ever again

That sound this morning? The one where you were like "What the hell is that? No really, what was it? Should we be scared?" Were you wondering what that sound around 7:00 this morning was? That was my head exploding.

It goes like this:

I was driving to work this morning. There are two big bridges that I have to cross on my way to the freeway. On the first bridge, each side begins as three lanes and then the two right lanes merge a little way up. Before I reached the base of the bridge, I could see that somewhere up around where those two lanes merged that there were flashing lights and some stopped cars. I got in the left lane, as I normally do, but I notice a semi-truck merging from another lane that connects to the bridge before where the accident was was. Me, being surprisingly nice and giving for that time of morning, I decided to be cool and leave the space between me and the car in front of me for that semi, because I figured that he was going to have to get all the way over to get around the accident. He didn't get over. And I'd just like to note that I left ample time for him to move over before what happened next. Since he hadn't gone, I figured that he didn't have to get over into the far left lane, that the middle lane was not being blocked by the accident. So I sped up a little, catching up to the car in front of me. At which point, THE SEMI DRIVER STARTS TO COME OVER IN MY LANE. And I'm talking come over into my lane in a way that if I hadn't slammed on my brakes, if I had gone forward even two inches further, this guy would have creamed me against a concrete barrier. My throat, being very froggy in the morning because of this head cold that I can't seem to shake, croaked out "What the FUCK?!" in a way that sounded liked a barking dog as I slammed my fist into my horn until the semi had pulled past me. Cops be damned, I was using that horn. And then, AND THEN, once the semi had moved back to the other lane after he cleared the accident, and I drove past him, HE had the AUDACITY to flip ME off. And I was like "Oh no, oh no, FUCK YOU, Mr. Semi Driver, you take THIS finger!" I swear, I wanted to be one of those crazy people who would stop her car on top of that bridge, forcing him to stop, in order for me to get out and yell at him that no, you did not get the right to flip me off, since you are the one that is A COMPLETE AND TOTAL DICKWAD. I'm the one that was being a courteous driver and left plenty of space for you to move over, but then you didn't.

Excuse me, China Shipping? You have a driver out that right now that NEEDS HIS BALLS CUT OFF.


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Because it's just that good

Five Things You Didn't Know About IKEA (courtesy of mental_floss)

I love IKEA. If only for the fact that every time I say IKEA my husband goes "What did you say?" And then I give him a pointed stare as my way of saying "I know where this is going, and stop it." And then he goes "Ay...ay....ay....KEA!"

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Thank you, America

Thank you, The Amazing Race. Thank you. Thank you for making me almost shoot wine out my nose when that stupid-ass blonde "singer," while driving in Dubai, said "Wow, it's funny here how you can be driving 120 miles an hour but it only feels like you're going 60."

And then her boyfriend said "That's because it's kilometers per hour, not miles. You are going 60."

People like you are too stupid to exist. Thank you.

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In which my 60 year old uncle drunk-dialed

First things first. The cat is alive and well.

As I mentioned previously, Edgar and I went to Simi Valley this weekend to drink it up for Octoberfest and watch an old man in liederhosen play the accordian while coaxing people to do the Chicken Dance. Suck it, old man, I will never do the Chicken Dance for you.

We went to a restaurant in Ventura called Old Vienna, and they know how to Octoberfest in style. They have this huge platter of food that's called "A Feast for Two," but the two that they are referring to must be inhuman, because eight of us couldn't even finish 3 orders. Two times three is six, just to remind you. I can only imagine that the two is comprised of a very large German couple ripping the meat off of huge turkey drumsticks while yelling "Meat! We need more meat!" These Feast for Twos include bratwurst, polish sausage, chicken something or another, spare ribs, pork shank, pork chops, sauerkraut, red cabbage, spatzel, potato pancakes, and German potato salad. And they also start you off with these huge pretzels. To eat while you begin drinking many pitchers of beer. And then when you leave you get to listen to your husband and your cousin bemoan the fact that when they get home they're going to have to give birth to twins.

Weekends spent up at my aunt and uncle's house are often interesting, even if only for the fact that my cousin makes it his mission in life to never let me finish speaking any sentence that might come out of my mouth. I always wake up with a sore throat from having to raise my voice to yell over him because HE IS CONSTANTLY INTERRUPTING ME. The sore throat also might be atrributed to the fact that we often end up drunk there and when I'm drunk I'm loud. But who isn't, really, when you think about it? This weekend was no different. I actually started off the drinking quite slowly, only having one mug of beer at dinner since I had to drive our car back to the house. I had a few more beers after we got back......

......then came the bourbon.

Oh, bourbon. I'm not usually one to drink liquor in any other form than a vodka tonic, a margarita, or Jack and coke. Generally, I find the taste of things like scotch or bourbon just too strong for me; the alcohol smell with the burning taste must be acquired, and I'm just too impatient for that. But a few months ago my uncle introduced me to Manhattans, and I was craving one on Saturday evening. Content to use the Maker's Mark that was in the liquor cabinet, my uncle saw me and said "Oh, Amanda Suzanne, don't use that, I have something better for you." And he produced a bottle of Blanton's Bourbon. Delicious. DEE. LISH. US. I had three Manhattans that night, and Edgar even had one or two after he tasted mine. I was also making vodka tonics for my uncle all evening, and they were progressively becoming stronger because the more I drink, the more alcohol I think should be in each drink.

Our fun evening turned in to a late night. My aunt and uncle introduced Edgar and I to this card game called Wizard, which is really impossible to explain, so I won't even try, except to say that it's fun. Especially after several beers and bourbon. We were finally winding down around 2:45 in the morning, when my aunt made the offhand comment that if we stayed up much longer that my parents in Indiana would be awake, and oh, wouldn't it be funny if we were going to bed at the same time that they were getting up for the day. Of course, being sane people (and despite the bourbon, not really drunk at all), my aunt, husband, and I laughed about it, said something about the fact that it was still too early in Indiana, being only 5:45 there. And no sooner had we expressed this than my aunt cried "Gary! What are you doing?" and I turned around to see him dialing the phone. Which he then shoved in my face, where I could hear my mother's sleepy voice mumble "Hello?" I froze. "Uhhh....Uncle Gary made me do it!" My mother was a good sport about it though. I fully expected a retaliation call a few hours later, but my dad decided to hold off and told me when I talked to him at a more appropriate hour of the day on Sunday that he would be making that call to my uncle once he stops expecting it.

Never a dull moment in Simi Valley. And how awesome is it that my uncle drunk dialed my parents? How many people can have that story to tell?

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Will we survive?

We staged our most aggressive attack today in waging The Battle of the Flea. Edgar and I walked over to our friendly Wal-Mart (here is where I totally take back my previous bashing of the Wal-Mart; I hadn't been in this one before and DAMN was it nice!) and picked up Adams Water-Based Flea & Tick Mist as well as Enforcer Flea Spray for Carpets and Furniture.

When we got home, Edgar sprayed the carpets and furniture while I kept the cat quarantined in the bathroom. The back of the spray can has all these warnings about not breathing the spray in, but they don't tell you why. WHAT COULD HAPPEN HERE? I've decided that we are going to have to put off trying to have a baby for an additional month in order to avoid growing one with extra limbs. Edgar covered his mouth and nose with his shirt while he was spraying, and I was in the bathroom with the cat, but I'm worried that some of it may have gotten in his system and his sperm are now toxic. I'd like to avoid the toxic sperm during the baby-making process. Not too much to ask, I assume? We kept the windows open during this whole process, so I'm hoping that at least provided enough air flow to keep it from hanging around too much.

The next step was misting the cat. He was not pleased, and Edgar and I have multiple scratches and lacerations to show for it. We tried to follow the directions on the back of the bottle, I promise. The first thing you are supposed to do is cover the cat's eyes and quickly and decisively spray his head and chest, then rub the product into his face. I think that I sprayed way too much when doing the chest spray, because while we were struggling with the rest of his body and trying to keep ourselves from bleeding out there were these thick ropes of bubbly drool coming out of his mouth. Like a rabid dog. Have you ever seen a cat drool? I DIDN'T THINK SO. Something was not right here.

So I was freaking the hell out, totally losing my mind, absolutely sure that he was going to die. I still am. No matter how much I wiped away, when we would move on to the rest of his body, it would start again. He wasn't freaking out about it, though, which I find kind of weird. He was only freaking out whenever we would spray his body again, recoiling at the mist hitting his fur.

We were supposed to wait five minutes after we sprayed him to dry him off and brush him. I was waiting in the bathroom with him, wanting to keep an eye on him in case he started foaming at the mouth again and convulsing. However, the chemicals in the air started to make me feel dizzy, so I had to go wait outside the apartment door for a few minutes to regain my head. Which is probably another reason why we should wait for a new egg in my cycle before trying to have a baby. The one that's floundering out there right now is probably drunkenly stumbling around one of my fallopian tubes wondering where the party is at.

Once I was able to come back in, I immediately googled the Adams mist to see if it can cause any adverse reactions in pets. I didn't find any horror stories in the first 10 pages of my Google search, so I have to assume that he's not going to die from the amount that had clearly gotten in his mouth to cause all of that drooling. Since the directions say to wait five minutes before towel drying the animal, and animals, by nature, can't go 5 minutes without licking themselves, I can only think that it can't be toxic for that reason alone. The manufacturers would know that animals would lick their fur and therefore get the product in their mouths. Right? RIGHT?

Edgar started vacuuming the apartment not long ago to pick up the hopefully dead fleas that the carpet and furniture spray should have rendered helpless, and as soon as he heard the vacuum, Fiyero immediately ran into the kitchen and got up on top of the cabinets, which is totally his thing. So he's still acting normally. But I'm still really worried about him. We already had plans today to leave this afternoon and head up to Simi Valley to visit my aunt, uncle, and cousins that live there. We have a yearly tradition of visiting this restaurant in Ventura for Octoberfest, and the plans were made weeks ago. I'm scared to leave him; I'm picturing coming home tomorrow and finding him dead from toxic poisoning from this flea spray, and he'll be alone during the whole horrifying death experience for what? For me to drink Spaten Oktoberfest and eat bratwurst while watching a 65 year old man wearing shorts and liederhosen dance around playing the accordian while teaching us German drinking cheers?

I can only hope that when we come back tomorrow I will be greated with a pile of shit on the bathroom floor and a hairball in the living room, as is his usual punishment for us to be ever so insolent as to leave him alone overnight. Let's pray for shit and hairballs, people.

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It was my choice, too

I told Edgar yesterday that I wrote about how we met and started dating.

He mimicked casting a fishing rod and reeling me in.

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You never know

I met Edgar on October 3rd, 2006, having arrived in California merely days earlier on September 30th. It was the day before my first day of work in my new office, having relocated over two thousand miles from home. I had my roommate, Jason, as well as an uncle, aunt, and two cousins 70 miles away. That was all.

I remember the first time I saw him. Jason and I had stopped by the office so that he could show me how to get there and we could find our desks and meet our bosses. Jason was to be Edgar's supervisor, and their desks were located very close to one another. He was standing up, talking across the low cubicle wall to the person at the desk that faced his. He was wearing a button down shirt with the cuffs rolled up. His hair was longer than it is now. We didn't speak, but a smile was exchanged and I remember thinking "Hmmm, he's definitely the cutest guy in this office." I would find out later that his thoughts at that time were "Hmmm, nice ass."

The next two months were spent in a holding pattern. As employees of a call center we were chained to our phones, only released from those shackles for brief reprieves in order to pee and socialize for a few minutes with others. On my breaks I usually found my way over to Jason's desk, happily sparing a smile to Edgar whenever our eyes would meet. Our normal encounters happened on the phone; he was a part of the 'escalation team,' so whenever some bitchy ass caller wouldn't listen to me and wanted to speak with a supervisor, I called the escalation queue. And always got him. The universe was already trying to tell me something. THANK YOU, UNIVERSE. Every time he would answer he'd be all "Jeez, you again?"

He enjoyed those calls as much as I did.

During that time there was a subdued amount of flirting going on. He would sometimes stop on his way out in the afternoon to talk to another employee whose cubicle was next to mine, and that's when I spotted the Steelers lunchbox. Ouch. Being born and raised in Indiana, I am an Indianapolis Colts fan, and at the time was still smarting from the playoff loss in the divisional round to the Steelers the previous season. The Steelers had gone on to win the Super Bowl, and were currently floundering through their Super Bowl hangover while the Colts were tearing through the season that would end in their own Super Bowl ring. It allowed for some good natured ribbing and would ultimately lead us into our first date.

At the end of November, Edgar scored a promotion to be a supervisor in another department, a move that also landed him in a different office. On his last day, his friends in the office had a going-away party for him at a Dave & Buster's near the office. Jason was going, and since we carpooled together, I was going too. While discussing the impending plans for the evening, another employee involved in the conversation informed me that Edgar was engaged and cheating on his fiancee with another girl in the office. Considering my history with men, I was not phased by this (shockingly untrue) revelation.

I pleasantly found out while we were out that evening that he was not, in fact, engaged; he had recently come off of a three year relationship that ended badly. Score one for Amanda. The 'other woman' story hadn't been resolved yet, but hey, no ring, no problems. Edgar and I clicked from the beginning. He was visibly impressed that I was drinking dark beer in the biggest size draft that was offered, and pleasantly surprised when we started talking football that I could hold my own and knew what I was talking about. He, being a non-smoker, even went outside with me while I smoked a cigarette, what with me still being in my smoker phase. The next time he went to work, he even got some "Hmm, so, you and the new girl?" questions. We were clearly hooked. I drove home from the party that night with a smile on my face, normal smitten-girl scenarios playing out in my head about first dates, first kisses, marriage and babies. YES, GUYS, WE ALL DO THIS.

I didn't hear from him after that, but I never expected to; we were no longer in the same office, and we hadn't exchanged phone numbers. I thought my little fantasies would exist only in my head. Except it didn't stay that way. Thank God it didn't stay that way.

A couple of weeks after that party, I got to work one day to find an email in my inbox from him, saying that he just wanted to thank me for coming to the party and to tell me how much fun he had talking to me. Thus began a frenzied exchange of emails over the next several weeks, starting out innocuous enough but always having that flirting subtext. He bet me a dollar that the Colts would lose to the Dolphins the next Sunday; I took that bet, and upon winning came to work the next day to find a dollar under my keyboard--he had stopped at my office on his way to work to leave my prize for me.

He invited me to come out with him and another co-worker one evening to watch the BCS Championship game. I have no interest in college football whatsoever, but went in order to spend the evening with him, hurriedly reading up on the teams that were playing during my free time at work so that I could sound like I actually knew something about it. The other co-worker magically had to bail out at the last second; I still to this day cannot get Edgar to admit if he had a hand in that or if it was actually for real. We had beer and pizza at the Alcatraz at the Block of Orange, and after a tight hug upon leaving, we both went home alone. Obviously not the most ideal end to the evening, but I was proud of myself; I had turned over a new leaf in life that mainly consisted of not putting out until he bought me dinner.

The Colts went to the playoffs that year and the day before the wild card game, I got an email from Edgar asking me to text him during the game to let him know what was happening during the game; he and his brother were taking his mom to Disneyland that day for her birthday. Phone numbers were exchanged; a rapid flurry of texting happened during the football game, and thereafter the art of texting became an open form of communication in the increasing game of flirtation. The Colts were playing the Ravens in the playoff game the following week. He bet me the Colts would lose, I bet they would win, and he tasked me with setting the stakes. I took a deep breathe and I plunged. Happy Hour. Winner picks, loser pays.

I won.

We look back now and have officially chosen that Happy Hour as our first date. We met after work on that Wednesday night. January 17th, 2007. I knew by the time that we left the restaurant that I had just spent an evening with the man I wanted to marry. Neither of us wanted the date to end, so we walked to Starbucks and got some coffee. I made the move there of setting a second date: I invited him to come to my house that Sunday to watch the Colts versus the Patriots in the AFC Championship game. He walked me back to my car. He gave me a hug and kissed me on the cheek. I kissed his cheek back.

Then he kissed me.


I was in love.

He came over that Sunday to watch the game. The Colts won. So did I.

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When I was eight, my sister Emily and I made up a dance to go with "Unchained Melody." It was understandably horrible.

Emily like to watch "Little House on the Prairie," so it follows that I, too, would watch "Little House on the Prairie." People kept giving us these long skirts that we could wear to act like we were pioneers. And my mom bought us slates one time on an outing to kitsch-y Nashville, Indiana.

Sometimes I look back and shake my head.

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Family ties

When I was a kid, my brother liked to abuse me.

Case Point #1: When I was baby, the type of baby that is too small to do anything much but sit there and drool, he and my sister would throw toys into my crib, thinking that I could play with them. He would aim at my head.

Case Point #2: When I was less than a year old, Ryan was lying on his back on the living room floor. He, being the hulk-tastic strong five year old that he was, tried to lift me over his head as I was crawling on him like a jungle gym. He lifted his arms straight up in the air, perpendicular to his body......and then they just kept going. Back over his head, baby and all, promptly smacking my head into the floor. I know this because MY PARENTS CAUGHT IT ON VIDEOTAPE. How about not letting your hyperactive son try to give permanent brain damage to his little sister? Huh? How about that?

Case Point #3: When I was about two years old, Ryan was playing in the backyard. Remember those swing sets that had the slide at one end, then two swings, then the teeter-totter thingy, then that carriage thing where you can sit facing each other while someone pushes you? We had one of those. I wandered into the backyard, and Ryan yelled "Come here!" And me, forgetting that he had once dropped me on my head (OBVIOUSLY BECAUSE OF ALL OF THAT BRAIN DAMAGE IT CAUSED), I ran straight for him like "Ryan! My big brother! You're so cool, let's play with toys and eat sand!" He pulled the carriage thing back and the swung it (or slammed it, if you want to be specific) right into my face, giving me a bloody nose. And then he promptly started to cry and sob "I didn't mean it, Mommy!" so that he wouldn't get in trouble. Jerk.

Case Point #4: When I was about 10, he was wrestling me in the kitchen. The kitchen with the linoleum floor. Having me pinned on the ground, he had his foot near my hair. He also had his foot on top of some hair. I was trying to get away. I jerked my head. A huge clump of hair with just a little bit of scalp still attached ripped out of my head.

I kicked him in the balls one time. Hard. We're probably even.

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Rant: Oh no he didn't

Okay, this post may come off totally bitchy, but I AM SICK and therefore it's my right. Oh, yeah, and this is my blog, so I can write whatever the hell I want. And, did I mention that I'm sick? So sick that when I was brushing my teeth this morning I looked like a rabid animal foaming at the mouth because I can't breathe through my nose and had to try to breathe through my mouth that was all full of frothy toothpaste? And when I eat it sounds like I'm a pig because I have to eat with my mouth open in order to be able to breathe since my entire head and nose is filled with mucous and is cock-blocking my ability to lead a normal life right now? And that my head feels like it's going to explode? Because if I didn't mention it before, I'm mentioning it now. You've been warned.

Several weeks ago, I joined a few different blogging communities. After I started this blog, I was interested in reading other people's blogs and getting feedback on my own. Thus far my only comment feedback has been from my friend Jessica, who isn't a blogger, but I digress. However, I've found some blogs that I've enjoyed reading and going back to; the reason I enjoy these blogs is because they're written by people that are funny, sharp, witty, intelligent, or any combination thereof, and they have something interesting to say or show me or teach me, NOT because we have some co-dependent relationship of clicking on each others' ads.

I even wrote about here how I want people to visit this blog because they enjoy what I write, not because they are clicking my ads with the understanding that I'll click theirs in return. This is not what my blog is all about. Yes, I run ads, because if I can make a couple of bucks (hint: I haven't), why not? But I'm not out there brow-beating people to go in and click my ads. So, after writing about this before, what do I get in my inbox yesterday but this: Hey, Just added you as a friend and visited your site. Add me as well. Also Please visit my site and click on the ADSENSE ads so i can earn a little revenue.


CLEARLY YOU HAVEN'T VISITED MY SITE. Because you just spammed me. At least try to come up with something that doesn't sound like you typed a generic message to copy and paste into the "Shoutboxes" of 150 people on BlogCatalog. Yes, my page is monetized, but I don't expect people that come here to click on ads for my benefit. Yes, I could probably actually make money off of this blog if I did, but then how would I know if people were actually reading what I wrote, not just coming to the page, clicking, and leaving again? I'd rather write good content that no one reads because they're not visiting than bad content that no one reads because they're just clicking on ads when they visit. Sure, it would be great for my bottom line if a thousand people visited this blog every day and clicked on an ad, but that's not why I started writing a blog in the first place. Click my ads if you want to show support, great, but I don't want people to come here solely for that purpose.

And, OH MY JESUS, as I wrote this post, I just got ANOTHER one: I visited your site.It's very nice. I had clicked on your ads. I hope you do the same.

By the way, she totally didn't click on any ads. As a person who's blog is hosted by Blogger, she should know that I can check my clicks AND THEY HAVEN'T INCREASED. Liar.

I'm withholding their names and URLs because I don't want to get in the business of publicly shaming people, but they're on notice. I will not be so nice again.

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To kill or not to kill

So I'm facing my first ethical dilemma as a [cat] parent.

Excluding the antibiotics that he was given after being snip-snipped and declawed, Fiyero has never been exposed to anything chemical. I know, I know, we're all exposed to chemicals everyday, be it from the items that we clean our houses with or the water that we drink. I get it. But I've never intentionally used anything chemical on him. He's all organic, if you will. Slap him on a shelf at Trader Joe's.

Edgar did some research online today and found some products that we can pick up at Wal-Mart that are supposed to be a special flea killing shampoo and a special spray that we can use on the furniture and the carpet to kill fleas as well. (I wish in that previous sentence that I could have said "pick up at Target," but unfortunately there is no Target anywhere close to where we live, thus, I am stuck with Wal-Mart). Ok, buying regular pet shampoo is one thing, but buying him a shampoo where it has things in it that are especially designed to kill, maim, and torture (maybe not in that order)? That worries me. I don't know how he will react to it, so I'm hesitant to use it. I don't want to slop some shampoo on him that's going to burn his fur and top layer of skin off of him. But I also really don't want to continue this vacuuming, washing, brushing routine either.

Don't get me wrong, I want these fleas gone. Those evil, racist, possibly sexist fleas have got to go. They seem intent on biting me at an exponential rate compare to how they bite Edgar, leading me to believe they don't like men or Mexican food. I know that in waging The Battle of the Flea that there will be casualties, but I'm not prepared to let Fiyero be collateral damage.

What's a [cat] mommy to do?

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And so in 2009, the war began

The Battle of the Flea began in earnest last night, wherein Edgar and I began our jihad on all that is unholy and bite-y. We began by stripping the bed and washing our sheets, a saga that will be continued at a later time in the narrative. Our next project was to vacuum the entire apartment top to bottom, carpets and furniture and pillows and anything that would stand still. Towards the end a burning smell started coming from the vacuum cleaner, and I'm pretty sure this is not a good sign, considering that this intensive vacuuming is supposed to happen every day.

I then laid towels down in the places that Fiyero likes to lounge at; the armchair and ottoman by our big picture window in the living room, along the wall under the stairs, on the right side of the couch, and along the edge of the loft where he likes to lay and look down into the dining room. Of course, he took that to mean "Don't lay here! This place is off limits!" and spent the evening lounging in other spots. That is, once he came down from the top of the cabinets in the kitchen after the vacuuming was done. So I probably have fleas on top of my kitchen cabinets. Awesome. And this morning, the towel under the stairs was all bunched up like he moved the thing out of the way so he could lay where he wanted last night. Thanks again, kitty cat.

I also had to brush him yesterday evening, which turned out to be a much more pleasant experience than I thought it would. I was thinking claws and teeth and hissing and death, but once he figured out that "Wow, it's like you're petting me! But you're not! And it's different! And I kinda like it!" he was actually very docile about it. The only problem was that he kept trying to angle himself so that I would get him with the brush a certain way, just like he would if I was petting him, so there was a lot of "Stop it! Stay! I'll pin you down! Why do you make everything so difficult for Mommy?" going on.

We decided to wait on giving him a bath until Saturday morning for two reasons. 1) It's been chilly in the evenings and we don't want him to stay damp all night. 2) We don't have cat shampoo and apparently you're not to use Herbal Essences on a cat? According to Edgar. Human shampoo = bad cat shampoo. Which I never would have thought if he hadn't told me. I'm a bad pet owner. But if it means that I can put off my imminent death by "carotid artery being slashed by kitty's hind claws" for a few more days, I'm totally willing to learn.

So, the bedsheets. Back to the bedsheets. Fiasco. FEE.ASS.CO.

I mentioned once a very long time ago that we have a space age washer and dryer from the future. The apartment complex threw it in with our rent when we moved in; the were almost at capacity and therefore couldn't really offer any move in specials, so they gave us the washer/dryer combo and a 42 inch flat screen LG LCD TV (which unfortunately stays when we go). When I say washer/dryer combo, I do not mean a stackable machine. I mean that you put your clothes in a front loading machine that then washes and dries the clothes ALL IN THE SAME COMPARTMENT. There is no moving of the clothes from a washer to a dryer, because THE WASHER IS THE DRYER. I know, right? The downside of this contraption is that the machine capacity is quite small, which means that unless you want to spend your entire life ironing you can't overload it, or bad things happen and puppies die. In addition to that, it's cycles take a very long time; we're talking upwards of three hours from beginning wash to dryer cool down. We've learned this quite well over the last month of living there. HOWEVER. Since the capacity is small and sheets are long, flowing objects that don't tumble and mix together very well, you get in the situation where the sheets kind of become this big ball with a core and an outer layer. I added extra time to the dry cycle because I knew this, however when I got the sheets out of the dryer at the end, I didn't bother to spread them out to make sure that they were dry. SILLY ME. Instead, I threw them on the bed and told Edgar, no, honey, sit back down, don't worry about it, we'll make it later when we're ready to go to bed. And then I put a load of throw blankets in the machine and we went about our business.

You see where this is going, right?

At around 10 we started to get ready for bed. I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth when I heard Edgar groan from the bedroom. THE SHEETS WEREN'T DRY. In that big ball of linen that I pulled from the machine, the part at the center had some large areas of fabric wherein one pillowcase and two large swaths of the flat sheet and fitted sheet had been crumpled together and were still damp. And since there was already another load in the middle of the wash cycle in the machine, we couldn't throw them back in to dry. While Edgar was all about taking a 10pm trip to Wal-Mart (are you insane?) to buy another set of sheets, I was not willing to go out like that.

Did I mention that we do not have another set of sheets? We bought our current sheets a few months ago. They were a necessity buy because our previous set of sheets had finally crapped out on us. They were old, and therefore comfortable, but they were also worn out, and one night during a particulary violent spasm in my sleep, my big toe RIPPED THROUGH THE SHEET. So those sheets got trashed in favor of the new ones. It's never really been an issue to us before to have a second set of sheets because we always wash them on weekend afternoons when we're not using them. BIG MISTAKE, AMANDA.

So after a lot of scrambling, I was able to find an old duvet cover, which we laid down on the matress, and we covered up with the feather duvet that we normally use. We had some dry blankets, but they hadn't been washed yet, so I didn't want to bring them back into the bedroom. THERE ARE SO MANY PROBLEMS HERE. I'm a burrower. I like blankets. I love blankets. I don't care if it's a 100 degree day, if I'm laying down watching TV on the couch or sleeping in bed, I NEED ME SOME BLANKETS. Normally at night, I've got the sheet, the duvet (that normally has a duvet cover, thus, two more extra layers of fabric), and my lovely penguin blanket that I stole from Edgar's mom a long, long time ago. Plus my personal heater that sleeps next to me. And often a second heater, recently rechristened Flea Boy, that likes to sleep on my feet or stretched out between my legs. But all those layers of comforting bedding were gone, and my little Flea Boy has been banished from the bedroom until The Battle of the Flea is won.

And we WILL win. Our will is stronger than that of the flea resistance. GIVE UP TO THE MACHINES, YOU DAMN FLEAS.

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The Itchy & Scratchy Show

So. I've been researching how to get rid of these fleas.

Wait, hold on. I need to bitch for a moment about the fact that there are fleas in the first place. My cat has NEVER had fleas. Ever. However, I think that the people who lived in this apartment before we did had a pet that had fleas. Edgar found a short white hair the other day when he was vacuuming. Fiyero has long black hair. So there was pet hair that was not our pet hair. And that damn pet had fleas. And now I itch.

So. Back to how to get rid of fleas.

1. Vacuum carpet and furniture. Daily.

2. Give the cat a bath. And before you do that plan your funeral because you will not survive it.

3. Lay towels down in places your pet likes to lounge so that you can collect any fleas or eggs that fall off and get rid of them.

4. Brush your cat daily. Again, get yer funeral plans ready.


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So not in the mood

Hey, you.

Yes, you.

In what world does it make it okay that when you see the left-turn light change to red to keep going and follow the seven other cars in front of you that also ran the red light, making the people with the green light on the other side (ahem, ME, ahem) have to wait for your stupid ass?

Just wondering, because you piss me off. THIS IS ONLY OK WHEN I DO IT.

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I can't take days like this

You ever have one of those days where you wake up and every fiber of your dog-ass tired being screams "Oh, Shit!"?

Yep, it's one of those days.

Nothing particularly horrible or life-altering has happened. I didn't forget to pay a bill or feed the cat or wipe my ass or anything like that. But I just feel it. I feel like the other shoe is about to drop. AND I DON'T KNOW WHY.

Edgar is getting sick. Is that it? He's been kind of congested the last few days and slept very restlessly last night. I, in turn, slept restlessly as well. Is that it? He called me this morning and told me he was nauseous. Maybe he's pregnant. Is that it? I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure as soon as he told me that my throat started hurting. Maybe that's it. Could it be the fact that it's supposed to rain today? Rain in SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA? It happens. Rain that I'm totally not prepared for since my windshield wipers don't really work all that well, and by "don't really work all that well" I mean that they leave a wide swath of windshield RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY FACE completely untouched. Could it be that? Could it be that I have flea bites all over my body because my cat all of a sudden decided that OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD FLEAS WOULD BE SO MUCH FUN EVEN THOUGH I'VE NEVER HAD THEM EVER BUT I LIKE THE WAY THEY MAKE ME FEEL?


I don't know. Dark cloud of foreboding (and rain) = Amanda trying really hard to not die.

I do not handle stress very well lately. Ever since the huge debacle last year of Edgar losing his job, then me finding out that I was going to get laid off, to the money troubles to the living with his parents to the what seemed increasingly fruitless job searches, whenever anything bad happens I just expect everything to snowball completely out of control. The only saving grace I have is that the Colts did not make me want to cry at any time last night during their shellacking of the Titans. Dear Peyton Manning and Cute Mormom Rookie, My health thanks you. Sincerely, Amanda (She Who Is Trying Really Hard To Not Die).

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Oh, by the way

Charter has still not given us a refund for charging us even though we do not have an account with them. When I got up this morning, Edgar was on the phone with them, steadily losing his temper. They then transferred him to the service department for phone service after first telling him it would take 6-8 weeks for us to get a refund of the $54.97 that they stole from us. Um, click.

I called back after that, and after first sending me to the repair department, I got over to billing. I laid the law down on some regular customer service rep who told me that I needed to go in person to one of their local offices, and finally was able to speak with a supervisor. He was nice, and he actually sounded like he was getting our shit done. He even sounded like he knew what he was doing, unlike every other deadbeat that we've ever spoken with there. Until he put me on hold AND HUNG UP ON ME. I called back their billing department, and I told the girl that answered, "Ok, I'm really angry, and I don't want to take this out on you. I was speaking to a supervisor before named Chris. Do you know who that is?" And she's all "Uuuuuummmmmm, no?"

I swear to God, good service in that place is like Galt's Gulch. Once you leave YOU CAN NEVER GO BACK.

I hate you Charter. Burn in hell.

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I do not sniff chonies

Edgar and I went to his mother and father's house for the first time last night since we moved out of there, save a brief trip a few days after we moved out to pick up some of our stray belongings. It was kind of weird.

His mom was all "Oh, I miss you guys! I miss having other people living here!" and I was all "Wow, really?" in my head. Because I LOVE living on our own again. I LOVE having privacy. I LOVE not hearing people sing to the cat.

This isn't to say that living with his parents was such a horrible experience. It was just that we are adults, and there is something inherently uncomfortable about living with your parents (or your SO's parents) as adults. You always feel like you have to watch your mouth and not have sex and put your clothes on before you leave the bathroom. This is why privacy is good!

My mother in law is also full of old wive's tales and habits that can sometimes become grating. She's just so old school. For example: she 'wastes' nothing. I was making myself an egg white omelette one morning while we lived with them, and, silly me, I was throwing the egg yolks away. She saw me doing that and was like "No! Wait! Save those, I can use them!" So a coffee mug full of egg yolks sat in the refrigerator for a week, stinking to high heaven after a couple of days. AND THEN THEY HAD TO BE THROWN AWAY. Another time, I had a cold and she completely lost her goat when she saw me putting ice in a glass of water, insisting that I would never get better if I had ice, because that was what was causing me to have a cold. I'm no doctor, but I'm pretty sure that unless someone with a cold has been sneezing all over that ice prior to me putting it in my drink that I'll be safe. And so on and so forth. It was always something, and if I would ever disagree with her, she would always shake her head and look at me in that "Oh silly girl, you know nothing of this world" type of way and mumble something in Spanish. And to think, I will one day be that person to my very own son or daughter in law. Exciting!

We had a good time last night though. We were a little late getting there because Edgar and I can never fail to be distracted by something when we're not on a deadline. Things like what hour you need to be at work are hard and fast; we are never late for work. Or appointments. Or anything like that. But for some reason we can never seem to show up at dinners or parties at the correct time. Yesterday, our first distraction was beer. We decided that we wanted to try that new Golden Wheat by Budweiser because we were curious to see how they would handle a hefeweisen (answer: only ok). So we had to run over to Rite Aid before we left. Then we decided that since his mom and dad's house is near a mall that we should stop there so that Edgar could buy some more cologne; their mall has this perfume/cologne store where you can buy some really nice items below retail. So we got Edgar's (which took longer than expected since they were out of the scent we wanted to buy), but then I started smelling this perfume called Moon Sparkle by Escada and had to waffle for a few minutes on whether to buy it. I'm not really a perfume wearer, but I liked the scent and decided to take the plunge. It's kind of light and fruity, but it doesn't have that overbearing perfume scent. I'm happy with it. Then after the whole cologne and perfume debacle we remembered that we needed cat litter, so that necessitated another stop at Target before we made it to his parents. We were quite the disorganized couple yesterday.

But we eventually made it there and were able to drink our beer. His parents bought New York steaks for us to grill, and I think that made Edgar's night. We couldn't have a grill at our apartment because of some new law passed in California that bans them, or some stupid thing like that. Way to go, kid in Huntington Beach that had to set his apartment on fire AND RUIN IT FOR EVERYBODY. Edgar loves steak, so being able to eat it again, since we can't make them at home, was like finding Jesus for him. Even the act of grilling alone was getting close to bringing about orgasm. He was running around with his tongs, flipping steaks here, flipping steaks there, talking about he was really Bobby Flay....it got a little scary for a few moments there. My favorite part of the evening was probably after dinner though. We sat around the table on the patio, me, Edgar, his parents, his brother, and his brothers partner, and we just talked. And laughed. And had an all around good itme. There was a moment where this almost surreal feeling hit me, and it's something that I've never experienced with Edgar's family before. I've had it with my own family before when we've all been together and you get this feeling like "Wow, check us out. We're all mature, we're all adults, we run our own lives and are in control and WOW, WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN? HOW DID WE GET HERE?" There were evenings when I still lived in Indiana where me, my parents, my sister, and my brother with his wife and kids would all be together for dinner and I would just look around at all of us together and think "Ryan used to throw toys at my head and Emily and I used to share a bedroom and I would get so mad when she wouldn't let me listen to what I wanted on the radio and now we're all sitting here together and all of those things are gone and we're happy and we're not kids anymore." And I got that feeling with his family last night. Not very long ago at all, Edgar and I were in a dark place of unemployment, living with his parents and feeling like we were stuck in a hole. We weren't talking to his brother's partner and because of that we rarely saw his brother. We were getting so frustrated at his parents because of Every Little Thing and would retreat to our bedroom every evening as soon as dinner was over in order to avoid them. So sitting there last nigh gathered around a table on the patio, it struck me just how different things are now than they used to be. I think it was a good change.

Of course, I could have gone without the knowledge that some of those conversations last night provided, such as the fact that my brother in law likes to suck toes. HE SUCKS TOES, PEOPLE. Have I ever mentioned that my husband and his brother are twins? So now whenever I look at my husband, I see a toe sucker.

To each his own.

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Life is a two way street, except for this time

Edgar decided to kidnap me today for a surprise lunch at King Taco (that was after making me pancakes for breakfast....I wonder what he's been up to?) and after turning onto the one way street that runs by our building, we were confronted with the business end of a huge white SUV coming right at us. THE WRONG WAY ON A ONE WAY STEET.

And the sad part is, the woman did not even notice.

Let's review: this one way street is four lanes wide. That is four, count 'em FOUR, lanes of traffic headed straight at her and she did not notice. She just casually pulled up to the light, hit her turn signal, and turned on to another street, thankfully a two way street that time around.

Oh, lady, you are what gives women drivers a bad name! However in the interest of full disclosure, I will admit to doing this while turning out of a parking garage in Indianapolis when I was sixteen. And there was no one-way sign. AND I WAS SIXTEEN.

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But I am le tired.....

I know it's an oldie, but it will always be a goodie.

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It's definitely a trick

I made the mistake last night of taking a look at the weekly circular for Rite Aid, and whoo, boy, DID YOU KNOW HALLOWEEN WAS THIS MONTH? Because they sure did, and you know what that add was full of? Candy candy candy candy candy and still more candy all those pages full of candy. Candy candy everywhere and not a morsel of it in my house or my mouth.

But do you know where Rite Aid is? It's right across the street. I can see it from our balcony. So close that the calories expended to walk there can burn the equivalent of 1/1000th of a Tootsie Roll. And $20 later our biggest mixing bowl was filled with the likes of Butterfingers, Snickers, Baby Ruths, Kit Kats, Twix, Reeses Cups, and peanut M&Ms. Or, as my husband likes to call them, Emes Emes.

The diet is SO off.

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Your purse was ugly, too

What do you write to follow up that one?

How about this:

This morning when I was walking from my apartment building to the parking garage on the next block where I park my lovely Red Neon, this woman walking about 10 feet in front of me on the sidewalk with a stroller kept whipping her head around and shooting daggers at me with her eyes.

Lady, chill the fuck out. At that hour of the morning my eyes are barely open. I really don't think that me and my red lunch box were of any danger to you. I want nothing to do with your child. Because it wasn't cute.

And besides, I wait to start mugging people until I've had at least a few vodka tonics in me.

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A long one, courtesy of Dave Letterman

The media and late night TV have been all up in arms lately because of the confession Dave Letterman gave last week that he had an affair with a coworker. While no one seems to be really concerned about the fact that HE CHEATED ON HIS WIFE, the only thing anyone seems to be talking about in any ‘lifestyle’ column this week is whether or not it’s okay to have relationships with coworkers. I married one of my coworkers, so I’m obviously a proponent of the whole “It’s good to have sex with the people that you work with” argument. It worked for me, not the other way around.

Relationships (romantic relationships) with anyone can also tear you apart though, so I get where the whole Should You Or Shouldn’t You weighing of the scales is coming from, especially when it leads to heartbreak and hurt feelings and drinking alone. When I started thinking about this post it was originally just going to say “make sure he’s The One before you take your clothes off” but this whole situation is bringing back memories of a workplace romance that I had several years ago that I’ve never really sat down and talked to anyone about, besides my husband. Even then the sharing of details is sketchy, though, because he’s a firm believer in the “I’m going to pretend I’m the only person that has ever seen you naked” coping mechanism when it comes to exes.

Not long after I started working for an insurance company in 2005, I met This Man. I couldn’t even tell you now why exactly I was attracted to him, just for the fact that he was your average cute guy and we had the same sense of humor. He also smoked (menthols, ew!) and since I was going through my smoker phase at the time I often found myself huddled outside our office building in the cold Indiana winter with him while burning down my half a pack a day habit. He had a girlfriend (AMANDA, HERE WAS YOUR FIRST CLUE). And an ex-wife. And an ex-fiance. And three children that were all born by the time he was of legal age to drink (AMANDA, HERE WERE YOUR SECOND, THIRD, FOURTH, FIFITH, AND SIXTH CLUES). One evening, a group happy hour came up, and while This Man couldn’t come along immediately he said he would meet us later. By the time later came around, my friend Jason and I were the only ones left and we decided to hit up a gay bar a few blocks away. Jason is gay, I’m not, but I liked going to clubs where other boys would admire my boobs in the “Aw, look at you!” kind of way and not the “I’m going to inappropriately touch you and never speak to you again” kind of way. This Man called me up not long after we got there and agreed to meet us there. He stayed attached to my hip for the half hour or so that he was there, and somewhere along the way in my increasingly drunk state we started kissing and soon left together. He spent the night.

A couple of weeks later, with another night together thrown in, he had broken up with his girlfriend. We never talked about being together in the sense of him saying “I’m going to break up with my girlfriend for you.” It was actually quite the opposite once they had broken up. He and I were “hanging out,” but we weren’t dating. He was very clear about the fact that he didn’t want to be in another relationship just yet (AMANDA, HERE WAS YOUR SEVENTH CLUE). Save a few select friends, no one else knew about us. And I let it unfold this way. I was falling for him, and I was excusing his behavior that same way a lot of women do, brushing it aside and saying that it was fine, that I didn’t want a relationship either, that no-strings-attached was exactly what I wanted. We even had an agreement that if either of us was interested in someone else that we would tell the other person first before pursuing anything; an agreement that I had no intention of keeping because it never even entered my mind to look for someone else.

This together but not together relationship continued for five months. I was happy, yes, but I knew that I was being short-changed and that I was worth more. I kept letting it happen though, because I was so desperate to not be alone. I liked waking up with somebody, I liked having Friday and Saturday night plans, I liked having someone with which to exchange a constant stream of text messages. Did it matter that I was completely hidden from everybody in his life, save his roommate (AMANDA, HERE WAS YOUR EIGHTH CLUE)? Yes, it did, but I kept pushing those nagging feelings to the back because I. Just. Wanted. Somebody. To. Love. Me. In retrospect it sounds sad and it sounds desperate, but I know that there are so many women out there who go through this exact same thing.

He broke things off with me in April or May of 2006 (AMANDA, HERE WAS YOUR NINTH CLUE). It was for no reason that I hadn’t heard before, just that he reiterated he wasn’t ready for a relationship and feared that I was getting too emotionally involved. You think? It’s not like I’m a bunny-boiler or anything. I never showed any signs of the relationship at work, I never called his mother, I never bought him socks, I never showed up unannounced, I never checked the history on his phone; I’m not like that. I also never showed any ounce of self respect by allowing him to get away with that one-sided relationship, but that’s a whole ‘nuther Oprah, right? Except for the fact that him breaking up with me never really stuck. He made the very chivalrous decision to break up with me the night before I left on a week-long trip to Denver to visit some friends of mine, and then proceeded to call me pretty much twice a day every day the entire time I was gone. Mixed signals, much? He was gone on a trip to New York when I got back, and during one of those daily phone calls to me he asked me to pick him up from the airport when he returned. I of course agreed to it, because that’s what friends do (and he had made such a big effing deal about the fact that “We’re still friends, right?” when he had broken up with me). So things never really even cooled off between us, because as soon as he was back things started right where they had left off (AMANDA, HERE WAS YOUR TENTH CLUE). Except I was walking on eggshells more than ever, wondering what was wrong with me that This Man didn’t really want to commit to me.

Things stayed par for the course until one night in June of that year when I went to a concert with my brother and he went out drinking with some other work buddies, including some new hires. None of those people knew about our secret covert relationship, and one of them, while giving me a recap of the evening the following Monday, told me how This Man and one of the new girls were sucking each other’s faces off all night long and left together. And it finally clicked. The oh-my-god-what-are-you-doing-to-yourself realization finally hit my like I had been slapped in the face. During the time I was being told that story I finally got it. That I was worth more than that and this, this, is what I was settling for?

Despite the realization, it was hard to let it all go. Hard to reconcile the fact that I wanted him and did not want him because of what he did to me all at the same time. Hard to see him with her every day at work and know that “I don’t want a relationship right now” was the equivalent of “I don’t want a relationship with you,” since, jeez, did his relationship status on MySpace sure get updated quickly. Hard to wonder if she knew how much she had thrown my life into a tailspin by making out with This Man in front of someone who would immediately report it back to me because he thought it was hilarious, not because he thought I would want to know.

During all this time there was a great upheaval in the company due to a buyout and impending layoffs. He ended up moving to South Carolina. I ended up moving to California. After the inevitable confrontation that came with the knowledge of his betrayal of my trust and his subsequent “We can still be friends, right?” refrain (what is it with guys and wanting to be friends? WE DON’T WANT TO BE YOUR FRIENDS AFTER YOU KICK US TO THE CURB), I don’t think that we even said goodbye on his last day. He emailed me a couple of times after I moved to California, but I soon stopped responding, and he quit trying. Why keep the charade? He wasn’t my friend. I unintentionally found out shortly after I started working at our company’s office in California that he had done something on a business trip out there during the time that we were together that was a complete and utter slap in my face and I had no interest in ever hearing from him again after that. I won’t talk about it here what it was, because it’s in that boundary of things I won’t talk about on my blog, but it was highly insulting and degrading and reinforced the fact to me that he wasn’t ever my friend.

I can look back on all of this now, being so far removed from it, and just laugh it off and think “Silly little girl, what were you doing?” It doesn’t change the fact that he hurt me or the fact that I let it happen. I’d venture an absolutely correct guess that it was more my fault than it was his. He gave me plenty of signs of what I was in for, both intentionally and unintentionally, but I was blinded by the whole “Oh, I really like this guy and he seems like he likes me” mindset. I allowed myself to fall for him, I allowed myself to ignore the warnings. It’s nobody’s fault but mine.

I did garner some good things from this relationship, though. It wasn’t a total loss, regardless of how I was treated, how I let myself be treated, and how I felt like crap for a long time afterwards. The little that I know about HTML editing I learned from him. I learned how when you play those touch-screen games at the bar that the photo one where you have to find the differences between the pictures is a lot easier if you choose the dirty pictures (AMANDA, THAT PROBABLY SHOULD HAVE BEEN ANOTHER CLUE, TOO). But I also learned how much I’m willing to love someone without them giving anything back. I learned my value in a relationship. I know what I can bring to the table and I know when to say enough is enough.

In a way I think that I even need to be thankful for the experience that was my short-lived relationship with That Man, because when Edgar and I first started dating the difference was glaring. After going through what I went though with That Man, and a few bad dates with other guys after that, I all of a sudden had a man in front of me who was perfect. He was kind. He was respectful. He was funny. He gave me no reason not to trust him. I could let my guard down in front of him. I could even cry in front of him, when up to that point in my life the only men that I would allow myself to cry in front of that weren’t gay were my dad and my brother. Because other guys, the That Man type of guy, think that sort of show of emotion is the equivalent of going Cuck-Coo for Cocoa Puffs. Every date I went on with Edgar, every kiss that we shared, every time he held my hand, I fell deeper and deeper and deeper, and I didn’t mind. And I wasn’t scared. I wasn’t concerned with “Oh my gosh, does he like me? Is he seeing anybody else?” My concerns where more of the “How does my breath smell?” and “I wonder where we’re going Friday night?” not “I wonder if we’re going out on Friday night?” That horrible experience that I had gone through (and I’ll be clear and say it’s not like my relationship with This Man was the only bad relationship I was ever in; my epiphany did not come from the sum total of his experience alone), while not dictating my relationship with Edgar, reinforced everything that I already knew in my heart: that what I had with him was special, that it was unique, that it was not something to toy with, that I was the luckiest woman in the world and I continue to be her every day because I get to come home to him. I think any woman that has been in a bad relationship and has then gone on to find love after that would agree that those bad experiences, which totally sucked at the time, make you even more grateful for what you now have.

All of this is to say that work relationships are a mixed bag. Relationship with That Man aside, Edgar was a coworker and our workplace romance (I hate that expression) turned into honest-to-goodness true love and a happy marriage. So do I think that people should avoid dating coworkers? Definitely not. But I’m wiser now than before, and I do think that it needs to be thought through before there’s any touching (and that’s with clothes, too, not just without). If I had closed myself off to the possibility of being with a coworker after my relationship with That Man I never would have been with Edgar. Imagining my life without him is a nightmare, and I can't be thankful enough that I found him.

I haven’t spoken or communicated with That Man in years. When I was speaking with Jason during our party last weekend, he mentioned to me that he had emailed That Man about a month or so ago because he was considering taking a transfer with the company to South Carolina and wanted to know what it was like there. I think, coupled with the Dave Letterman media brouhaha of the week, that’s what maybe prompted this post from me, which has been kind of stewing in my head during random moments of boredom this week, like when I’m driving in the car by myself or staring off into space as I sometimes tend to do. I so rarely even think about him, and when I do it’s in that random way that your mind takes forever to get to, the “I wonder what ever happened to that girl I used to practice gymnastics with at recess?” kind of way. Or “Hmmm, that cute guy from my Criminal Theory class in college, did he ever graduate?” Or “Ok, that dude from the family reunion in sixth grade, what was his name? How was I related to him? Why is my family so freakin’ big? I wonder if I have any cookies at home?” That kind of way. I don’t wish him any ill will. Not to sound all hippie, but I’m not willing to put that out there in the universe. I don’t have time in my life to remember to hate somebody or hold a grudge (Except Heidi and Spencer. I will ALWAYS remember to hate them). I’ve no use for it and it doesn’t change the past. It doesn’t change my future. I hope that he’s happy, and I mean that in the most sincere way possible.

Because I am.

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Lucky it wasn't me

The battle rages on with Charter Communicatons. I mentioned in a prevoius post that they had charged Edgar's bank account for $54.97 on September 30th, despite the fact that we do not have an account with them. He called them back yesterday to find out what the status of his refund was, since they told him it would only take three days, and lo and behold, the first guy he spoke with hung up on him. He wasn't yelling or being rude, but the guy clearly did not want to help him, first by telling him that the reference number that Edgar was giving him (which he had gotten when he first called about the situation) was wrong and not pulling anything up, and then by "accidentally" hanging up on him while he was supposed to be looking something else up. Did I mention the first time he called the automated system hung up on him too? WAY TO SUCK, CHARTER. The third time he called he finally spoke with someone who at least knew which end of her body was her ass and which was her face, and she told Edgar that he would need to fax in his bank statement showing the charge.

Ok, I know this is not her fault, but SERIOUSLY? No one could have told him that when he first called about in on the 30th? You would think that would be one of those things where they would say "Ok, we'll work on this, in the mean time fax us your statement because we will need it?" Once again, WAY TO SUCK, CHARTER.

I faxed it this morning. Let's see how long it takes the refund to come in. I'm pooling my money on four more calls and two more weeks.

On a side note, can I just say how much I admire my husband? In situations like these, I would be screaming at those people by now (even though I hate myself a little more each time I do it; I've worked in call centers before and being yelled at for something you had no control over was the worst). He kept his cool though. Authoritative, calm, cool, collected, in that total "Bitches, give me my money or I'll kill you" kind of way. I want to grow up to be just like him!

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Because it was just that cold

The chill is in the air, and I'm totally starting to feel it. Fall has finally arrived in Southern California.

The way that I gauge the change in temperature from one season to another is to see if it stands up to the Naked Test. I am a big proponent of nakedness while getting ready for work in the morning. When Edgar and I lived with his parents, I grumbled to myself every morning when I had to pull my robe on before leaving the bathroom post-shower. It was also daily torture when it came time to blow-dry my hair; the bathroom had no air movement and was dripping with moisture and humidity. Adding hot air on top of that closed door was like standing in an oven while I collected gallons upon gallons of boob sweat.

This isn't to say that I'm a Pro-Naked All The Time kind of person. You should definitely be wearing clothes at the grocery store. Certainly while cooking with oil. Probably when you go to the bank. Just not when you're getting ready for work in the privacy of your own home. This is probably the reason why I snagged myself a husband. I'm not saying this is the only reason why he loves me, just that it most likely didn't hurt, either.

Anyways, back to the signs of fall. You can tell fall is here because I was actually cold enough to voluntarily put my robe on this morning once I had gotten out of the shower. I didn't stay that way, but I certainly needed it in order to warm up. I was cold! Some people might be saying "Shut up, you live in Southern California, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT COLD IS." And to them I say, No, you shut up. I grew up in the Midwest and am intimately familiar with snow and ice and frigid nights and heating blankets and that one time when the gas heater broke in your old apartment during a cold snap and you had to sleep under eight blankets WITH YOUR SOCKS ON. And any man that has ever shared a bed with me would say "Wow, she really must have been cold, because she totally doesn't play around about sleeping with socks on." You can ask Edgar, he hasn't been allowed to sleep with his socks on since we moved in together.

But Edgar is mainly the reason behind it always being so damn cold. He is the most warm blooded person that I've ever met. He's hot all the time, and no, not just in that My Husband Is So Hot And Sexy type of way (which he totally is, for your information). I remember when we first started dating that I thought it was so cute because the first time he held my hand, his palm was sweaty. No, turns out the restaurant we had just left had their thermostat set at ABOVE 32 DEGREES. And because of this constant state of hotness, if we do not have the AC turned on then every window in the house is open. No matter what time of year or time of day. This includes the big sliding glass door in our bedroom. All of this translates to waking up to some very chilly mornings and have to walk around with the cat strapped to my feet to provide me with some warmth.

This was one of those mornings. I was hesitant to take my clothes off to even get in the shower in the first place. Once I was in there, I didn't want to raise my arms up to start washing my hair, because if I did that they would be out from under the protective stream of hot water. Once I was done, I didn't want to open the shower curtain because I knew that I would be inundated with all of that cold air that was just lurking out there in the rest of the bathroom waiting for me. I even was looking forward to turning the blow dryer on because that would mean warm air. Crazy, I know.

And no, the simple solution of just closing the damn windows is no solution at all, because if I did that THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD WOULD END. You really haven't lived until you've heard a grown man whine "But I'm hooooooooooott!"

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