Lucky it wasn't me

The battle rages on with Charter Communicatons. I mentioned in a prevoius post that they had charged Edgar's bank account for $54.97 on September 30th, despite the fact that we do not have an account with them. He called them back yesterday to find out what the status of his refund was, since they told him it would only take three days, and lo and behold, the first guy he spoke with hung up on him. He wasn't yelling or being rude, but the guy clearly did not want to help him, first by telling him that the reference number that Edgar was giving him (which he had gotten when he first called about the situation) was wrong and not pulling anything up, and then by "accidentally" hanging up on him while he was supposed to be looking something else up. Did I mention the first time he called the automated system hung up on him too? WAY TO SUCK, CHARTER. The third time he called he finally spoke with someone who at least knew which end of her body was her ass and which was her face, and she told Edgar that he would need to fax in his bank statement showing the charge.

Ok, I know this is not her fault, but SERIOUSLY? No one could have told him that when he first called about in on the 30th? You would think that would be one of those things where they would say "Ok, we'll work on this, in the mean time fax us your statement because we will need it?" Once again, WAY TO SUCK, CHARTER.

I faxed it this morning. Let's see how long it takes the refund to come in. I'm pooling my money on four more calls and two more weeks.

On a side note, can I just say how much I admire my husband? In situations like these, I would be screaming at those people by now (even though I hate myself a little more each time I do it; I've worked in call centers before and being yelled at for something you had no control over was the worst). He kept his cool though. Authoritative, calm, cool, collected, in that total "Bitches, give me my money or I'll kill you" kind of way. I want to grow up to be just like him!

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