As long as I get a new car out of it

During our house-warming gathering last night, Edgar and I learned a very interesting thing: that our cat is an attention whore. A fame-seeking, money-loving attention whore. We've raised a monster.

After hiding under our bed for the first hour that we had company over, he came out and started doing tricks for people. Jumping on laps, sticking his ass up in the air, rolling over on to his back to have his belly rubbed. He took to Mike, the significant other of one of Edgar's former co-workers, like a fish to water. I've never seen him latch on to a stranger that way as quickly as he did. It's like he was an ignored kid from a southern California beach community desperately crying out "Love me!" to anyone that would listen.

Next thing you know he'll be angling for a reality show on MTV and having lunch at the Ivy. Kids these days.

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