The World According to Amanda

To give you, gentle reader *snicker*, a context for anything I put in here, I thought I would start off with a little "about me" update-o-fun.

I was born and raised in good ole Indianapolis, Indiana, though I'm currently a transplant to Southern California. Growing up, I was the good girl; both in school and at home I was the seemingly perfect angel, yet never quite so perfect as my older sister. During my teenage years, I learned the careful balancing act of being the bad girl while maintaining the facade of a good girl. I found that worked really well for me, especially during those tricky college years where I still lived at home.

Upon receiving that oh-so-important Bachelors Degree in 2005, I struck out to find my place in the world. Apparently that place in the world was a cubicle in a customer service call center for an insurance company. Yes, that degree in Criminal Justice was being put to very good work.*cricket, cricket*. My place in the world was on the corner of Corporate Buyouts and Office Closures, and faced with the prospect of having to look for a new job, I took a cushy transfer offer (throw $1000.00 in moving expenses to a 22 year old and see how fast she grabs it), packed up the U-Haul with my fabulous co-worker Jason, and headed out to California.

That job ended up fizzling, but not before it gave me the best bonus of my life. Three months after I started the job in California, I went on my first date with a co-worker of mine, Edgar, who four months later became my fiance. Now he's my husband.

A few months after the engagement I accepted a job offer with a subprime mortgage company that will henceforth be referred to as The Devil. I won't be brainstorming a clever new anonymous nickname for it. I don't call it The Devil because it was a subprime mortgage company; I generally have no sympathy for people that bought houses that they couldn't afford and and didn't take advantage of their ARMS by using their 2 or 3 years of low interest to pay off other debts to improve their credit ratings so that they could refinance to a better rate after said low interest period (I know, how incredibly Republican of me. Don't worry, I really am a Democrat). I call it The Devil because it decided to "restructure" a year later and force me to move to a new place in the world located at the corner of Office Closureres and Unemployment. Unfortunately at that point, my husband-to-be had also lost his job (yay, recession!) and when our savings ran out 3 months after our marriage, we had to move in with his parents.

Oh, the joys of living with parents when you are a married couple. Goodbye privacy, hello in-laws encroaching on your life. No, mother-in-law, Edgar doesn't need you to buy him more underwear. Thanks, father-in-law, for eating the leftover pizza we brought home that I was going to have for lunch tomorrow. No, mother-in-law, seriously, I don't want to go to church with you. Oh, father-in-law? Please stop singing loudly to my cat. He's frightened.

Luckily for that parent-child relationship, Edgar found a new job in April 2009 and I just started one 3 weeks ago. The ink was dry on a lease for a loft in Long Beach about an hour later. Moving day is September 12th, and it cannot come soon enough. If anything, I'm longing for the day when I don't have to spend two hours in the evening in rush hour traffic to get from Torrance to West Covina.

So this is me. Hardcore Indianapolis Colts fan married to a Pittsburgh Steelers-love. Owner of a precocious cat-child named Fiyero (I loved Wicked, ok?). Avid reader (current selection: Beloved by Toni Morrison). Currently in the midst of the season 8 drama of Beverly Hills, 90210 reruns on the Soap Network. Hater of the word "moist" and people who insist on saying it in front of me to piss me off. Lover of wine, vodka, tequila....ok, anything with alcohol. And cheese. Enthusiast for Led Zeppelin, Dave Matthews, Harry Potter, and Barack Obama. And nail polish. Especially on my toes. Strong believer in naptime and DVRs. Aunt to the two most adorable children in the universe (they can hold that title until I have my own). Amateur blogger.


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