December is The Land of No TV, wherein all of the good shows that you like to watch and DVR and fill your long cold evenings with go on hiatus and leave you seeking other sources of warmth. Like the under the covers naked kind of warmth that your husband CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT. I will not number the amount of times that I've had my leg humped like a dog as playful playing quickly turns to "Hey, so you wanna *raised eyebrow, cocked head* know?"
It's a lot.
Needless to say, as I am a person that appreciates the capability to walk and also knows she can't get pregnant if she's not ovulating (SO WHAT'S THE POINT, RIGHT?), we've had to turn to alternate forms of entertainment. Don't look at me like that, I was only kidding and I still give it up multiple times a week. Since you wanted to know that.
Alternate programming has found Edgar and I renting the first few seasons of Lost on DVD. I never saw the first two seasons. Edgar didn't start watching it until late in the third season with me. Both of us are sufficiently lost (no ha ha pun intended) when we watch the show, but feel like we can't let the pop culture phenomenon pass us by.
Side note: Edgar and I watch a lot of TV. It's an easy and cheap and lazy form of entertainment, so I'm all Sign me up! But we don't watch shows just because pop culture tells us we should be watching it. I'll give a show a try if I hear good things about it or if someone I know really likes it or if it looks interesting. But I won't continue to watch it if I don't like it. So SUCK IT Anna Paquin and your stupid show on Showtime about vampires (no pun intended there either, but I guess it works). You call that acting? I call it raising your eyebrows and speaking in a hideously bad impression of a southern accent. I tried watching the first episode of that show when it premiered and couldn't figure out if you were trying to play your character as slow or not. That isn't a good thing to leave the audience wondering, especially when they realize that you aren't and become offended for all of the slow viewers out there. So stop shoving it down my throat, Golden Globe Awards!
Rant over.
I was talking about Lost. I had a friend that really liked the show and got me started watching it. It was all very confusing to me, but I liked the mystery aspect, and I was able to pick up enough of the backstory as it went along to be able to provide a sufficient explanation to Edgar when he started watching it with me. And then it went all bat shit crazy and we were all "Would this make sense if we had watched the show from the beginning?" "Time travel?"
And that brings up to present day. With all of the final season Lost promos everywhere we decided to catch up on what we missed in hopes that going back to the beginning would help the end make more sense. Plus, it's fun to watch a show back-to-back-to-back like that. Don't agree? I'll lend you the entire collection of Friends and Sex and the City on DVD and find out what you think after basking in that glow for a few weeks. Anyways, I'm totally stoked for this little Lost marathon that we've embarked upon, and I'm hoping that we can get through all of the seaons that are out on DVD before the new season premieres. I don't think that's until February (bless you, TiVo, for always remembering) so I'm sure we've got the time.
Please tell me I'm not the only person in the world doing this?

OMG!!! I reeeeally hope you have enough time! I never watched it when Nick or my brother (also Nick, lol!) did, but Steve had me watch the 1st episode right after my birthday & i...was...HOOKED! so from mid-June until mid-November, I watched all 5 seasons. Which is pretty fast for 5 seasons of an hour long show, but i would watch 2-6 shows a week. I LOVE IT!! We SO have to have LOST convos when it starts! (Feb 2 btw). Anyway good luck in your endeavor! (And in the baby making one as well. Havent said that yet. But i expect to be one of the first to know. Since I AM one of your BFFS & all & am going to be the friend that calls your child my "niece/nephew" even though we arent sisters.) K LOVE YOU!
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