Auld lang syne

I just want to say to everybody out there in Internet-land that I hope you have a safe and happy and prosperous 2010. And that you find a comfortable thing to call the new year. Because "ten" just doesn't sound right. "Ninety four," "eighty seven," "oh-nine," they all sound right. "Ten"? Not so much.

To send this blog off into the happy land of The Year Known as Ten, Yes, That One That Comes After Oh-Nine, I give you my list of resolutions. Which will likely be broken in epic fashion. But this is what we do, so here I go doing it:

1. Get knocked up.

2. Try to exercise and eat well for purposes of being healthy during the said knocked up-ed-ness. (Notice I didn't say 'lose 50 pounds' because who actually follows through on that?)

3. Read 52 books.

4. Suck it up and break-up with some of those shows on the damn DVR that I need to stop watching so I have time for the exercise and the reading.

5. Win the lottery.

6. Save $150 every month until that winning the lottery thing kicks in.

7. Blog my little heart out. I was bad in December. I want to be a good girl again.

8. Help Edgar out more with the around the house cleaning and laundry. Unless it entails getting up earlier on the weekends. Then he's on his own.

9. Improve my Spanish.

10. Call my parents more.

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Bia said...

11. Call Bia more. and make her call you more. :)

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