It's official. I'm getting sick. NO FAIR.
The weird thing is that I've got the exact same cough that Edgar had last week and yet bronchitis isn't contagious so HOW AM I SICK? I think the universe owes me a big cupcake. Or a box of donuts. Or a quart of Thrifty Chocolate Malted Krunch. Or a pregnancy test because, damn, that was a whole lot of junk food.
So now I have this ridiculous cough that keeps kicking in whenever I speak, and since I spend a lot of time on the phone during the day at work that's not really convenient for me. So a whole lot of people are getting a lot of nasty lung hacking right in their ears.
But my favorite part, my absolute favorite part, is the part where I'll cough so hard that it will sound like my lungs and stomach are about to be ejected through my mouth. That part is awesome. Nearly as awesome as Edgar going "Tsk, tsk, you should really go to the doctor on your day off on Friday" in that know-it-all voice, AS IF I WASN'T SAYING THE EXACT SAME THING TO HIM ALL OF LAST WEEK WHILE HE IGNORED ME.
Sick doesn't really go well with my personality, either.

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