Edgar and I have now completed three seasons in our "Let's try to figure out what's going on on Lost" project. My eyes hurt a little bit.
So here's my thing:
Um, Charlie. Hobbit-man. You are dumb. And you totally didn't have to die. When running for the door in the underwater hatch, you could have just run two more steps to be on the other side of it and then closed it from the outside. It had the big dial-y thing to seal it on the other side.
You brought this upon yourself. Or the writers of the show were stupid and brought it upon you, whichever.
Either way, YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO DIE. Was anyone else as annoyed by this as I was? And yes, I know, IT'S A TV SHOW. I just can't help but become indignant about stuff like that though. I get too emotionally involved. It's the same way with every show for me. I get mad if a character I like gets killed off. I have an "I hate you, I love you" relationship every time the two characters that are meant to be together have some made-for-TV obstacle arise between them. Ooooh, will they make it? Will they not? Who cares, it's a TV show, right? I CARE, THAT'S WHO. Escapism at its finest.
I'm the same way with books. I just finished reading Jane Eyre and I absolutely hated it, because I found Jane Eyre herself to be a whiny, indecisive, arrogant, and entitled bitch. You're supposed to be some great figure in literature? Whatever, you wouldn't have had half the problems you did if you weren't so whiny, indecisive, arrogant, and entitled. And then that boring book could have been much shorter than 500 pages. And I KNOW, she's a figment of Charlotte Bronte's imagination. It's just the principal of it!

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