Being in this state where Edgar and I are actively trying to get pregnant, I've become very aware of the parenting styles that I see around me. In grocery stores, in movie theaters, in restaurants....basically everywhere. And I've come to the conclusion that I really don't like what I see.
I know, because I have such a right to tell people how to raise their children when I don't have one of my own. Yet.
Except here's the thing.
Edgar and I walked over to Burger King today for lunch. Because Burger King is so great? No, because we were hungry and wanted something inexpensive and 2 Whoppers for $3 is a pretty sweet deal. Anyways, we're at Burger King and this woman comes in and gets in line behind us with two kids. One was a baby in an infant carrier and the other was probably about a year old. So maybe this spreads a little light on the responsibility level of this woman. As in, she's totally not responsible. Anyways, the woman plops the carrier down on the filthy floor and the older (I use that word liberally) boy runs off immediately, tearing towards the counter and subsequently bumping into the people that were standing there in his haste to get to where the toy display was.
The kid is a year old. I don't expect him to have manners. He's one. And that's okay.
But what I do expect is for the kid's mother to have manners. What does she do? Lazily roll her eyes towards the kid, give a half hearted "Come here," and then go back to staring off vaguely into space.
I know little kids. I know how little kids can be. I fully expect my own children to be absolute hellions because my parents always say that you get back three times what you gave your parents and HOLY GOD WHAT HAPPENED TO MY HOUSE? BECAUSE HELL JUST ROSE UP AND SWALLOWED IT WHOLE! I know this. It's coming. I've accepted it.
That will be my own burden to deal with. And not push on other people. Other people like a nice lady who might be standing at the counter giving her order and then innocently step back AND ALMOST CRUSH ANOTHER PERSON'S CHILD BECAUSE IT'S MOTHER WASN'T WATCHING IT.
The lady had no control. She just let her little one year old run off on his cute little stubby toddler legs at full speed around the restaurant, not even bothering to see where he went. Um, lady? This is Long Beach, be lucky that you didn't turn around and find your one year old freshly inducted to a gang with a tattoo emblazoned on his little round belly saying "Rollin' with my homies" with a little pistol shoved down the back of his diaper.
Have some responsibility, lady.
Hold your kid's hand. Pick him up. Do something. Don't let him run around a restaurant being a little innocent adorable menace just because you can't shake off the apathy and be an involved parent.
Seeing things like that scare me. Because there are tons of parents like that. People that don't care. People that just ignore their children with a half hearted "Hmmm, don't run out in the middle of traffic" attitude while they turn to face the TV. And I know that I never want to be that parent. It scares me too much.
I want to be a good mom.

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