Make that six

My boss's daughter is in Girl Scouts, and THANK GOD FOR THAT, because I really thought this year I was going to have to go without Samoas. But now I'll be ok.

So on Monday I signed up for five boxes. At $4 a pop. Since when were Girl Scout cookies $4? I remember when I was a kid peddling my wares like the sugary crack that it is that it was only like $2.50 a box. WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO? But anyways, five boxes. Two Samoas, two Thin Mints, and one Lemon Chalets. And I'm thinking "Wow, awesome, we're getting Girl Scout cookies, we're set to go."

So I get home and tell Edgar in all my excitement about the coming Girl Scout cookie goodness, and what is his response?

"But what about the peanut butter ones?" *sad face*

Now this is all kind of shocking to me because I've been with this man for three years and I had no idea that he liked peanut butter cookies. Those are things you're supposed to know, right? Like allergies (green beans) and favorite TV shows (Seinfeld) and how did he get that scar on his leg (you don't want to know)? Apparently I fail in the delicious cookie department.

So I'm all The Tagalongs? You want a box of Tagalongs?

And he's like "Um, I don't know."

"Tagalongs. They're the peanut butter ones, with the chocolate."

"No, they don't have chocolate."

"Um, yes, I was a Girl Scout. I know these things. Tagalongs have peanut butter on the inside and chocolate on the outside."

*sigh* "Forget it then. I don't know."

*lightbulb* "Do-Si-Dos?"

You would have that it was Christmas with the excited look on his face and the joyous exclamation of "Yes!" that went with it.

God, I love that man.

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