I can't take days like this

You ever have one of those days where you wake up and every fiber of your dog-ass tired being screams "Oh, Shit!"?

Yep, it's one of those days.

Nothing particularly horrible or life-altering has happened. I didn't forget to pay a bill or feed the cat or wipe my ass or anything like that. But I just feel it. I feel like the other shoe is about to drop. AND I DON'T KNOW WHY.

Edgar is getting sick. Is that it? He's been kind of congested the last few days and slept very restlessly last night. I, in turn, slept restlessly as well. Is that it? He called me this morning and told me he was nauseous. Maybe he's pregnant. Is that it? I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure as soon as he told me that my throat started hurting. Maybe that's it. Could it be the fact that it's supposed to rain today? Rain in SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA? It happens. Rain that I'm totally not prepared for since my windshield wipers don't really work all that well, and by "don't really work all that well" I mean that they leave a wide swath of windshield RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY FACE completely untouched. Could it be that? Could it be that I have flea bites all over my body because my cat all of a sudden decided that OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD FLEAS WOULD BE SO MUCH FUN EVEN THOUGH I'VE NEVER HAD THEM EVER BUT I LIKE THE WAY THEY MAKE ME FEEL?


I don't know. Dark cloud of foreboding (and rain) = Amanda trying really hard to not die.

I do not handle stress very well lately. Ever since the huge debacle last year of Edgar losing his job, then me finding out that I was going to get laid off, to the money troubles to the living with his parents to the what seemed increasingly fruitless job searches, whenever anything bad happens I just expect everything to snowball completely out of control. The only saving grace I have is that the Colts did not make me want to cry at any time last night during their shellacking of the Titans. Dear Peyton Manning and Cute Mormom Rookie, My health thanks you. Sincerely, Amanda (She Who Is Trying Really Hard To Not Die).

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