Yesterday while playing around on the computer and being kind of bored, I discovered the joy of StumbleUpon. I know I'm way behind the times on this, but please forgive me, because I'm the lazy type and it's much easier for me to go "Eh, maybe later" than it is to take action to do anything new. YOU KNOW YOU ARE TOO. Don't judge me.
So StumbleUpon is pretty cool. You tell it what you like, and then you can begin "stumbling" and it will take you to random things on the internet that it thinks you will like based off what you told it you like. If you become a member, which is free, you can also rate stuff with a thumbs up or thumbs down; I'm sure this somehow affects how often others stumble on it, but I don't know how, so I'm not going to pretend like I do. Using it yesterday I found some pretty funny sites, so I decided to add a BlogRoll to my page because sharing is caring and so I share. Some stuff I already read, some is new. This is also why I've also started posting links to random stuff. F to the Y to the I.
It's also a great way to find new readers and get your site/blog out there to people you think will enjoy it (at least, I think this is true, but as I have not registered my blog with them yet, I don't know--I'm just having too much fun finding random silly things). And even if people don't find you, you can still come across random things like hamsters in wine glasses. Who doesn't want to see that? NO ONE, THAT'S WHO.
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