The Itchy & Scratchy Show

So. I've been researching how to get rid of these fleas.

Wait, hold on. I need to bitch for a moment about the fact that there are fleas in the first place. My cat has NEVER had fleas. Ever. However, I think that the people who lived in this apartment before we did had a pet that had fleas. Edgar found a short white hair the other day when he was vacuuming. Fiyero has long black hair. So there was pet hair that was not our pet hair. And that damn pet had fleas. And now I itch.

So. Back to how to get rid of fleas.

1. Vacuum carpet and furniture. Daily.

2. Give the cat a bath. And before you do that plan your funeral because you will not survive it.

3. Lay towels down in places your pet likes to lounge so that you can collect any fleas or eggs that fall off and get rid of them.

4. Brush your cat daily. Again, get yer funeral plans ready.


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