WARNING: This post is going to be about how awesome my husband is, so if you don't want to read it, or you're already sick of reading about how awesome he is, stop now. See? I'm friendly. I care. I watch out for you.
We had a work-sponsored happy hour yesterday at an El Torito Grill near the office. There are only two men that work in my office, and one of them was hesitant to RSVP last week because he didn't want to be so outnumbered by the girls. Spouses/significant others were welcome, so I told him I would bring my husband to help even up the score. Both of the guys in my office ended up not being able to go at the last minute, so Edgar, my wonderful, understanding, caring husband Edgar, had to be the only male at an all-girl happy hour. Poor guy.
I felt so bad for him, but he was so great. That man could make friends with anyone. I got nothing but good reports today from my co-workers, telling me how nice my husband was and how funny he was and how they were so happy I brought him.
My husband totally kicks the ass of any other husband.
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