Okay, this post may come off totally bitchy, but I AM SICK and therefore it's my right. Oh, yeah, and this is my blog, so I can write whatever the hell I want. And, did I mention that I'm sick? So sick that when I was brushing my teeth this morning I looked like a rabid animal foaming at the mouth because I can't breathe through my nose and had to try to breathe through my mouth that was all full of frothy toothpaste? And when I eat it sounds like I'm a pig because I have to eat with my mouth open in order to be able to breathe since my entire head and nose is filled with mucous and is cock-blocking my ability to lead a normal life right now? And that my head feels like it's going to explode? Because if I didn't mention it before, I'm mentioning it now. You've been warned.
Several weeks ago, I joined a few different blogging communities. After I started this blog, I was interested in reading other people's blogs and getting feedback on my own. Thus far my only comment feedback has been from my friend Jessica, who isn't a blogger, but I digress. However, I've found some blogs that I've enjoyed reading and going back to; the reason I enjoy these blogs is because they're written by people that are funny, sharp, witty, intelligent, or any combination thereof, and they have something interesting to say or show me or teach me, NOT because we have some co-dependent relationship of clicking on each others' ads.
I even wrote about here how I want people to visit this blog because they enjoy what I write, not because they are clicking my ads with the understanding that I'll click theirs in return. This is not what my blog is all about. Yes, I run ads, because if I can make a couple of bucks (hint: I haven't), why not? But I'm not out there brow-beating people to go in and click my ads. So, after writing about this before, what do I get in my inbox yesterday but this: Hey, Just added you as a friend and visited your site. Add me as well. Also Please visit my site and click on the ADSENSE ads so i can earn a little revenue.
CLEARLY YOU HAVEN'T VISITED MY SITE. Because you just spammed me. At least try to come up with something that doesn't sound like you typed a generic message to copy and paste into the "Shoutboxes" of 150 people on BlogCatalog. Yes, my page is monetized, but I don't expect people that come here to click on ads for my benefit. Yes, I could probably actually make money off of this blog if I did, but then how would I know if people were actually reading what I wrote, not just coming to the page, clicking, and leaving again? I'd rather write good content that no one reads because they're not visiting than bad content that no one reads because they're just clicking on ads when they visit. Sure, it would be great for my bottom line if a thousand people visited this blog every day and clicked on an ad, but that's not why I started writing a blog in the first place. Click my ads if you want to show support, great, but I don't want people to come here solely for that purpose.
And, OH MY JESUS, as I wrote this post, I just got ANOTHER one: I visited your site.It's very nice. I had clicked on your ads. I hope you do the same.
By the way, she totally didn't click on any ads. As a person who's blog is hosted by Blogger, she should know that I can check my clicks AND THEY HAVEN'T INCREASED. Liar.
I'm withholding their names and URLs because I don't want to get in the business of publicly shaming people, but they're on notice. I will not be so nice again.
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