My new laptop is being held hostage by my apartment complex!
Not really, but it feels like that.
FedEx delivered my brand new shiny laptop yesterday while I was at work. They signed for it in the leasing office (FedEx, by the way, did not bother to leave me a little note saying that they delivered a package and left it somewhere else--good thing I've been salivating for that computer and checked on the tracking number this morning). PROBLEM: the leasing office is open 8-5. I work from 7:30-5. Until Friday, which is my day off. I HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL FRIDAY TO PICK UP MY CHINESE-AMERICAN LAPTOP-BABY!
I'm clearly very perplexed.
On a side note: I added up the damages from our trip to Solvang this weekend (The trip that was supposed to be a nice, inexpensive way to celebrate our anniversary? Yeah, that one) and the grand total came to $475. A hundred more dollars and I could have paid off the cost of that brand new Chinese-American laptop-baby.
Side note #2: My Chinese-American laptop-baby also got to go to France on it's way to the US. Thanks, laptop-baby, I've never been to Europe, and you go and spend your whole time there in a cardboard box. I'll be raising you better than that.
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