It's official. I have baby fever.
My biological clock has stopped ticking. It has started blaring incessantly like an alarm clock with a broken snooze button. SNOOZE, DAMMIT!
Edgar and I have been talking about having a baby since, oh, pretty much the day after we got engaged. And now that we're two married people that actually both have jobs and income at the same time and our own apartment, that blaring alarm clock keeps getting louder and louder and louder and louder and please, I want to sleep, be ever so kind and rip it out of the wall!
We originally wanted to try to get pregnant right after we got married, but since he was out of work at that time, we decided to wait until January, because surely he would have a new job then and I would be able to find a new job by then since I had an impending layoff. But January came around and he was still jobless and I was almost jobless, and so the baby got put off again. And again. And again. And Amanda, for God's sake, just get a job so we can have a baby. I finally started working again at the end of July. However we still can't have a baby, because even though I'm working for this company full time, I'm technically a temp because I was hired through an employment agency and I haven't been put on my company's payroll as a permanent employee. I will be permanent, I'm just not yet. Probably because the Operations Manager is ON MATERNITY LEAVE. She has a baby. I WANT A BABY. Come back and give me my baby!
Our original decision was that October 27th, 2009, over 1 year after the time that we wanted to get pregnant, would be the time that we started trying. It will be 3 months to the day of my first day at this job. It will be 2 months to the day after Edgar switched jobs and the day when our brand spanking new health insurance that we haven't had in over a year finally kicks in. Please, oh please, oh please let me be a permanent employee with maternity leave by that time!
I seriously want to steal other people's babies when I see them. Only the cute ones though. I'm not a bad person. I'm even starting to do that sickly annoying combination of "Ooooooh" and "Awwwww" every time I see those cute little chubby pink cheeks and little thighs with fat rolls. I can't walk by the baby section in target without picking up onesies and deciding which Baby Bjorn I want to buy. For my child that I don't have.
Every one has babies but me!
Edgar is clearly freaking out. He's 33 and has decided that we have to have this baby, like, NOW because he is just so old and we'll never be able to get pregnant ever ever ever if we wait any longer. My level headed thoughts to reassure him that it's not him getting older that we need to worry about when it comes time to knock me up don't seem to do any good. I don't know how much longer I can reassure my husband that, yes, you have fantastic sperm that are quietly biding their time and will soon illustrate their impressive super hero abilities to make me pregnant.
Babies. Babies babies babies babies BABIES!!
Bia - I just spent an hour reading every blog post. Oh how I miss you. Oh how i love you. To comment on an earlier comment - i DO know you, & I dont hate you. So I dont think you would hate you either. :) And no - everyone does NOT have babies. I dont have babies. Or even AH baby. I dont have AH husband either. Just a boyfriend. But I digress - I love you & miss you. And want to come to cali to see you. Ill work on that. Good luck with the whole baby thing. You do have tons of time however...but I will still be excited when I get to be an aunt. :) Love you!!!
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