Our Brains are Rotting

When I woke up this morning, Edgar came in the bedroom, threw himself down on top of me with his head nestled in my neck, and said "Oh, babe, I couldn't sleep last night." When I asked him why, he told me that every time he tries to sleep he thinks about what happened to him on the plane.

That feeling of fear is invading every part of his life. Even though that situation turned out to be a false alarm, the fear was real and he now knows what it's like to face losing everything that you hold dear. I feel so bad because I can't make that pain go away. I want to be the nurturer, I want to take it all on me, but I can't. And I feel so powerless because I can't make him feel better. I can only assure him that he's safe and that he's here and he's alive, but it still doesn't change what he went through.

So we're trying to go along, business as usual. Yesterday we went to the grocery store. Three grocery stores, to be exact. They're luckily all in a really close vicinity to where we live, so it was actually only about an hour and a half trip. The bulk of that time was spent walking around Vons trying to find the hot & spicy buffalo wings that were on sale for $2.99 a pound. Hey, my husband's world may have almost ended, but today is still football Sunday and WE MUST BE PREPARED.

Outside of Superior, I experienced the most aggressive panhandler that I've ever seen in my life. We live in downtown Long Beach, so the homeless population is an ever-present part of life that you see on a daily basis. But this guy, THIS GUY, got so mad that these people who were loading up their SUV with every kind of expensive sugary soda and potato chips available (and at Superior, that shit is expensive; anything that doesn't come from Mexico costs an arm and a leg) wouldn't give him some money that he literally stood behind them and blocked their vehicle from pulling out of the parking spot. After they finally called his bluff and started to back up he moved over BEHIND OUR CAR and stood there yelling at them. Like that helps. Dude, they're not going to give you any money. Give it up. I undestand that you're homeless and that you need money, but that kind of behavior just angers everyone involved, not to mention making everyone more uncomfortable than words can express. I'm just sayin'.

The weekend also involved TWO different trips to the Rock Bottom Brewery that sits six blocks up the street from our apartment. We went Friday night after Edgar got home since neither of us had eaten, and that man clearly needed a beer. We also bought a growler of their Octoberfest and took it home with us. We each had one more glass of it Friday night after we walked home, and we decided yesterday that we would definitely need more than what we had on hand. So we walked down the street again and bought another growler to bring home. We're totally working towards getting our name on a little engraved plaque to be part of the Half Barrel Club. It's nice to have goals.

We then proceeded to spend the rest of the day on our asses in front of the TV. Edgar's business trip unfortunately coincided with the week that pretty much every single show of the TV season had their premieres. I might as well just admit it up front and say that Edgar and I are total TV addicts. Rather, we're TiVo addicts. Actually, scratch that, we're HD DVR addicts, because it's not a TiVo. Edgar is very specific about his electronics, and TiVo is it's own brand. Anyways, we like A LOT of TV shows. So there were many, many returning shows that we watch, and we tried out a bunch of new shows as well. If it looks remotely interesting, we watch it, get a feel for it, then wait for it to inevitably get cancelled once we're interested in it. So, off the top of my head, we had about 22 hours of TV to watch. Luckily, TV hours can be condensed, because if you can fast forward through the commercials (best invention EVER), an hour long show can be completed in less than 45 minutes and a half hour show can be completed in about 22 minutes. Yesterday, we started around 2 in the afternoon and were able to get through about 16 hours of TV by midnight. We even cooked dinner during that time too! Add in the multiple bathroom breaks that I required because THERE WAS JUST SO MUCH BEER, and I'd say that we are totally among the elite of TV watchers. Even with all of that work, we were only through Wednesday on the TV schedule. We still have Thursday and Friday to get through. And then the new week of shows, along with six more premieres, starts tonight. GOD BLESS YOU TIVO. I MEAN DIRECTV HD DVR. Some people might say it is a ridiculous waste of time, but it's a very inexpensive form of entertainment, and I really don't care what those people think. We know our TV watching days are limited since my biological clock insists that we have a baby soon, so we're stocking up on the indulgence.

Did I mention we're watching TV right now as I write this?

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