
Oh, yes, a few more things. Because I never shut up. NEVER.

1) I'm super-duper proud of myself (yes, super-duper, I went there) because yesterday I ran 1.5 miles. THAT'S ONE AND A HALF WHOLE MILES. I'm giving my calves and my knees a rest today, but my goal tomorrow is to run 18 minutes at a 5.2. The mile and a half yesterday was 18 minutes at a 5.0. Edgar told me that he thinks there is a 5k in Pasadena sometime in October, so my goal is to get myself in shape and trained for that 5k.

2) We're getting a new computer! The laptop that I currently have is about 3 1/2 years old. It's not really that great. It runs extreeeeeeemely slow. Any methods to make it run faster are just stop gap measures; they don't stem the tide for very long. My dad works for HP, so I just spoke with him and we ordered a new laptop with lots of great stuff on it. I'm not really that knowledgeable on features of computers; I can't tell my megahertz from your gigabytes from so and so's processor. It's all Greek to me. But according to my dad, it's a really good model. Plus I get it with my dad's 30% employee discount plus a $100 instant rebate, so after tax and shipping and whatnot (yes, I said whatnot), it comes out to a respectable $572 and change. EXCITING.

3) Rafael Nadal lost his semifinal match at the US Open! We're Roger Federer fans in this house, and assuming that he beats Novak Djokovic in his semifinal match that he's playing as I type this, he'll have a much easier final match.

4) And Serena Williams......you are crazy. And very scary.

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