I'll tell you what to do with your Bill of Rights

So I'm going to go a little bit off topic here and dip my toe into the world of politics. My goal in keeping this blog is not to create something rife with political commentary. I have my reasons, the biggest one probably being that I've learned that no matter what I say or think, it's very unlikely to ever change the mind of anybody that is a staunch supporter of anything/anybody else. Some people make it a point to not listen to any arguments you make, regardless of the facts that you use to back up your claim. "Facts, who needs facts? This is what my pappy taught me and this here is what is right. 'Cuz God says so." You can't fight it, you can only sigh and move along.

But forgive me, I just can't resist.

Anytime some one refers to Barack Obama as Hussein, it makes me want to gouge sharp pieces of glass into my eyes while simultaneously ripping out my hair and screaming like the banshee that is called Adam Lambert's Voice. YES, ADAM LAMBERT, WE GET IT, YOU CAN SCREAM, JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER PERSON THAT WAS EVER BORN. EVER. People that refer to Barack Obama as Hussein are doing it because they are the type of people that think just because some one has Hussein as his middle name, which he did not pick, that he is a terrorist, and that by using the moniker of Hussein they can instill their own fear and hatred into the hearts of others. Sure, people called what's-his-face-with-the-stupid-goofy-grin-and-unintelligible-stutter "W," but when was the last time that the letter W did anything to you? This terrorist attack, brought to you by the Letter W. "W" does not bring about thoughts of fear (well, relatively) as does the name "Hussein."

I'm a firm believer in the First Amendment (how can you not be?), but stuff like this just makes me cringe, mainly because it's coming from the minds and mouths of people who think that the Bill of Rights should be torn to shreds with the only surviving piece being the Second Amendment.

I often like to read comments on news pieces about current events and politics and I was especially into this around the time of the election. I would always do this, even though about 30% of the comments would make me want to revert to self mutilation (see: gouging of eyes, screaming, etc). It was "Hussein this" and "Hussein that," usually followed by hate speech spewed by some one who thought John McCain was here to save the world and would do so with the help of his prophet, who all of her adorers so loving called "Sarah." Just Sarah. Not Sarah Palin, not Palin, just Sarah. Since when did we start calling political figures by his or her first names only? Quick: Barack, John, Howard, George, Edward, Dianne, Barbara. I bet you FIVE WHOLE DOLLARS there is only one name in that list where you know exactly which one I am talking about. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, personally it would be great if we all just relaxed a little bit and lost the formality and the collective Sticks Up the Asses of everybody in general.

But really, the whole Trying to Play Obama Up As a Terrorist schtick is totally tiring. Get over it, your guy lost, no amount of trying to make someone's middle name a stereotypical reflection of who they are as a person or a politician is going to change that. You would think that almost a year later, things like that would have changed and people would have gotten over it with semi-quiet, if not begruding acceptance. Let's all grow up. Not to be a cliche, but we're all in this together.

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