Working on the Book List

Quick status update: I finished To Kill a Mockingbird on Friday (loved it!) and have moved on to Catch-22 by Joseph Heller.

I was so excited unpacking all of my boxes of books on Sunday. I luckily have about 15 books on my list that I currently have on my bookshelf, so I'm stocked with reading material for the time being.

Of course, this is assuming that I ever have time to read. Since we're living in a place that has a gym, I'm going to start working out again, so that will take up some time in the evening. Plus the new TV season is about to start, and as much as I hate to admit it, Edgar and I are addicted to TV. Super addicted. We have a schedule and everything to make sure that we get everything added on the DVR.

Plus there's the fact that Edgar cannot amuse himself for very long on his own. He's very ADD that way. If I'm by myself in another room reading, every so often he will wander into the room. "Whatcha doin?" "Reading." "Ok." And then he's off. And then he'll be back a half hour later. "Baby?" "What?" "Nothin', just seeing what you're doing." And so on, and so forth.

It's good practice for when we have kids.

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