Today was a special day. Why, you ask? Because today was opening day of the NFL season. YAY!
And so begins 16 weeks (more if my team goes to the playoffs) of near heart attack-inducing 3 hour spans of my life.
I'm an Indianapolis Colts fan. Life is sometimes tough for me. I have the best quarterback in the league (eff you Tom Brady), I have some of the best receivers in the league, I have one of the two best safeties in the league (when he's healthy), but for some reason, we just can't seem to get it done. Lack of a running game and lack of the ability to stop the run are holding us down.
The Colts' first two possssions looked really good, of course until the respective interception and lost fumble came about. And thus began the spouting of what are sure to be oft repeated phrases: "Come on, morons!" "Catch the fucking ball!" "Run you bastard, RUN!!" They just make me nervous. They're good, then they're not good, then they're good again, and we just keep going round and round and round on this never ending cycle of pleasure and pain.
And not in the good way.
I love my Colts. I suffer like this only for them.
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