My Day

These things all happened one year ago today.

1) I married my best friend.
2) My mom wore very pink eye shadow.
3) It rained.
4) It poured.

5) Straight up fury came from the sky, but we said "Eff you, fury, we're getting married whether you like it or not!"
6) I rode in the back of a white limosuine with my new husband.
7) While I was getting my hair done, the stylist said "Ok, did you ever see Steel Magnolias? I'm going to go all Dolly Parton on Julia Roberts on your hair, but don't be scared."
8) My neice didn't get her afternoon nap and was not a very happy flower girl.
9) My neice probably also wasn't happy about the fact that she had to wear an ugly ass dress that my mom thought would be "Just sooooo sweet" for her to wear since I wore it as a flower girl when I was younger. Don't listen to your mom when you're planning your wedding.
10) During tincture, my grandfather shuffled forward, took his piece of bread, and promptly put it in his mouth without dipping it in the wine. When my grandma nudged him and hissed "You were supposed to dip that in the wine!" he then took it out of his mouth and unceremoniously dropped the chewed up piece of bread into the cup of wine. I might also mention that he was only about the 7th person through the line, so, here's my official sorry to all the rest of my wedding guests, since my grandfather's saliva was all up in the wine after that.
11) Edgar and I danced our first dance to Led Zeppelin's "Thank You."
12) My brother-in-law referred to me as a "trophy wife" during his best man's toast, not being aware that the term is actually an insult.
13) I married my best friend.
14) The DJ pissed me off.
15) I cried while I was walking down the aisle. ME. I cried. I NEVER cry. But I was just so freaking excited that all of a sudden I was a mess of excited tears.
16) My brother cried.
17) My dad cried.
18) You so know that my mom cried.
19) I ate lunch at Panera bread with my crazy bride hair and people looked at me funny.
20) Did I mention I married my best friend?

I love you.

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Jessica said...

Bia -

you know how I know you're gay??? lol. jk. love you!

And, I TOTALLY wanted to send you a card, bc I DID in fact know it was your anniversary, but I dont know your addy. And then I forgot to text you. Bad friend, I know. But do know that I love you & hubby, & i miss you!

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