Two Cent Whore

Ok, there's two things.

1) What is up with the total disregard for personal space that seems to run rampant in teenagers and old people?? I went to Chipotle today for lunch, because who doesn't love a burrito as big as their head? If there is such a person, I surely do not know him. There was an old lady in line behind me that was standing far to close to me for a person that has never seen me naked. I kept trying to inch forward to get away from her, but every time I did she would inch along right after me. This even continued along the counter, in line for the salsa while by burrito as big as my head was being crafted. Get away from me! She was just like any number of unsupervised teenagers at Disneyland. Yes, I get it, you want to ride Space Mountain, and so do I, but that won't be possible for either of us if you are UP INSIDE MY ASS. This is my bubble. This is your bubble. GET OUT OF MY BUBBLE.

2) Women with thunder thigs and cellulite, no matter how tan they may be, should not wear cutoff shorts that stop just past their crotches. I can say because I am a woman that has thunder thighs and cellulite. Would I be caught dead wearing those shorts? NO.

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