I might not get a weekend off to relax; we could be moving to Long Beach this weekend. Eeek!
As I've laid out in previous posts, my husband and I currently live with his parents due to us both losing our jobs around the same time. We figured, hey, what's the point in struggling for money and dealing with the stress of not knowing if we would be able to pay our other bills and ruining my good credit score when there is an extra bedroom with them? It hasn't all been sunshine and roses of course.
When my husband and I both finally were working again (thanks, Economy, we owe you a swift kick to your huge, all encompassing ass) we quickly found a pretty damn awesome loft-style apartment in downtown Long Beach. It's less than two miles from the beach, it's in walking distance of a lot of great bars and restaurants, it's on the same block as a Metro station, it's got a state of the art gym, it's got this sick washer/dryer combination from the future (more on that at another time)...it all around rocks. Of course, that could all change; you never really know a place until you've actually lived there. We were hip on the beach location because it never gets as hot as where we're living right now. Not as hot=less A/C usage=lower electric bills. Everybody wins.
When we went to visit the building, the unit we wanted was not available until 9/8/09. That day is a Tuesday, so we knew we wouldn't be able to actually move in until Saturday, 9/12/09. Which we figured, ok, fine, 7 more weeks with Edgar's parents and then we're out. Of course they made the decision about two days later that they would be moving as well and that plunged us into the whole "Two Moves in Two Weeks" circle of hell.
Edgar called the apartment's office this morning to schedule a time for us to come in this Saturday to sign our lease since we won't be able to make it any time on Tuesday 9/8, and he was told that we might be able to move this Saturday instead. Apparently they think they might be able to have it ready by then and want the 3 day weekend to be available to us for the move. Um, rock on apartment community! Way to care about your new residents! I'm totally stoked right now. My body is not; my body is screaming with every fiber of its being that I am in no way to go through moving again one week after doing it the first time.
Of course, this is all conjecture. They're supposed to call Edgar back this afternoon to let him know one way or the other if it will be possible. And of course, it opens a whole 'nuther can of worms of things to get done this week. We have our DirecTV installation scheduled for the 12th, but it might be too short of a notice to have it moved up to this Saturday, the 5th. We don't have our internet or phone service set up yet either. That can be ordered any time, but with Verizon they have this weird thing where they're like "ooo, we're Verizon and we're everywhere, la la la la la, but it will still take two weeks for your phone service to work." Which is unfortunate because we need the phone line in order to get our NFLSunday Ticket with DirecTV. I also need to call Edison to get our electric service started. Plus we'll have to change our UHaul reservation; hopefully there will be a truck available that's the size we need.
And, oh yeah, the cat might have a heart attack.
It's all a bunch of craziness, but if it means being into our own place, with our own way of doing things, and having our privacy back, I think that I won't mind advancing through a few more of those circles on hell into the "Two Moves In One Week" circle. After all, there's always Home Depot.
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