I think the airports of the world have set out to screw with me. I just got a call from Edgar, and he informed me that his flight has been delayed. Again. It was already delayed 45 minutes, and now it is being delayed another hour. EFF YOU AMERICAN AIR. They've totally messed up my countdown.
The cat is not pleased.
He woke me up at 7:00 this morning (my day off work, of course) screeching "Where's my dad?" at me for about 10 minutes straight. He was standing on the bed, his face all up in my business, just meowing his little kitty heart out FOR TEN MINUTES. No amount of "Shut up!" "Go away" and "SHUT UP!" could appease him. I know where I rank.
Today was also my first experience cleaning the apartment. Some might say, "Hey, excuse me, you moved in three whole weeks ago and you haven't cleaned yet? That's gross." And I would say that they are exactly right. It's not, however, like we've been living in filth all this time. We're clean people, we clean up after ourselves. But this was like the straight-up, I-mean-business kind of cleaning. The lugging the vacuum up the stairs, scrubbing the bathtub, shining the windows kind of cleaning. It was kind of a rude awakening. When we were living with Edgar's parents, his mom did all of the cleaning. She LOVED to clean. If there was a linoleum floor, she was mopping it. Why deny the woman something she loved? I cleaned our room, but that was about it. My main form of entertainment was watching his mother try to keep up with picking up all the cat hair that Fiyero left behind everywhere he went. Here's a clue: IT CAN'T BE DONE. I miss the whole not cleaning part of life. Being domestic again has been somewhat of a rude awakening. The one thing I did miss, though, was the chasing of the cat with the vacuum cleaner.
The cat is not pleased.
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