Donations Accepted for Ransom Money

My new laptop is being held hostage by my apartment complex!

Not really, but it feels like that.

FedEx delivered my brand new shiny laptop yesterday while I was at work. They signed for it in the leasing office (FedEx, by the way, did not bother to leave me a little note saying that they delivered a package and left it somewhere else--good thing I've been salivating for that computer and checked on the tracking number this morning). PROBLEM: the leasing office is open 8-5. I work from 7:30-5. Until Friday, which is my day off. I HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL FRIDAY TO PICK UP MY CHINESE-AMERICAN LAPTOP-BABY!

I'm clearly very perplexed.

On a side note: I added up the damages from our trip to Solvang this weekend (The trip that was supposed to be a nice, inexpensive way to celebrate our anniversary? Yeah, that one) and the grand total came to $475. A hundred more dollars and I could have paid off the cost of that brand new Chinese-American laptop-baby.

Side note #2: My Chinese-American laptop-baby also got to go to France on it's way to the US. Thanks, laptop-baby, I've never been to Europe, and you go and spend your whole time there in a cardboard box. I'll be raising you better than that.

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