The PS3 and All of its Foibles

Anyone who has every bought a Playstation 3 is aware of the very high cost of it: mainly, $399.99 and hours of quality time with your husband. I bought Edgar a 40GB PS3 for Christmas in 2007. He'd mentioned many times before that how much he'd love to have a PS3 so that he could play Madden Whatever Year. Being the wonderful fiance that I was at the time, I decided to surprise him with it for Christmas. So my present for Christmas was watching him turn into a 12 year-old boy.

I bought the 40GB because it was the cheapest model. We didn't need the fancy 80GB one; he's not a hard-core gamer, he just likes to spend a couple of hours pretending he's one of the Pittsburgh Steelers. And occasionally a soccer player in a FIFA tournament. Or a commando. Sometimes I'm even Harry Potter. Or a rockin' Guitar Hero. Anyways, 40GB suited our needs and had a Blue-Ray player, so all was well.

Until about four months after we got it, when it just decided that it was no longer going to read any discs. Luckily through the online retailer that I bought it from, we had a one year warranty. We sent the PS3 in and it was replaced. So all once again seemed right with the world.

Until right after Christmas of 2008. Edgar was so happy, playing his brand new Madden 09 game; he had smashed his way through an undefeated regular season and made it through the playoffs unscathed. When he turned the system on that final day to begin his oh-so-glorious, sure-to-be-a-victory Super Bowl game.....the PS3 was broken. Again. After spending a few hours on the phone with tech support and nearly losing a disc to the bowels of the game system, we were back at square one. The warranty was no longer valid, and PS3 wouldn't replace the system; they would only repair it at a nice and neat price tag of $200.00. We decided at the time that it wasn't worth it. By this time we were living with his mom and dad because he was out of work and I was a few short weeks away from my layoff going into effect (I luckily had several months notice before my last day). It didn't seem prudent at the time to shell out $200.00 when we didn't know how quickly he or I would be able to find a job. Job searches had been fruitless to that point. We hadn't even bought each other or any other family members Christmas presents because of our situation; the Madden 09 was a gift to him from my parents.

Once we were both working again, we decided it was time to get another place station. We chose against having the old one repaired; better to go new. The problems of the old one probably stemmed from the fact that it was the cheapest model at the time; they don't even make those anymore. Some might ask "Why even buy one if your old one wasn't great and was a waste of money?" My answer is because there a couple of hundred dollars worth of games and Blue-Ray movies that will be worthless if we don't. The better 80GB model was retailing for $399.99 now at Best Buy, so we were able to get a better system at the same price of the old one.

This was 8/12/09.

Yesterday, Edgar heard on the radio that the PS3s were being sold for $299.99 at Best Buy. Murphy's friggin' law, of course Sony would knock the price down $100.00 after we bought it. Luckily, we still had the receipt and were able to go back to Best Buy and have a price adjustment done.

I'm not sure what the timeframe is to get a price adjustment done, but I think with most places you had to have bought the item within 30 days of its price being lowered. I guess I should count myself among the lucky that a month hadn't gone by. It's kind of silly because when we got the credit for the price adjustment, my husband and I got that happy feeling of "Oh, yay, we're saving $100!" (actually $109.25 when you count the tax). Except we're not really saving money since we're still spending $299.99 in the first place.

Ah, funny how the mind of a consumer works.

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