Two Things

Two totally awesome things happened today:

1) My surrogate big brother Patrick's third son was born today. I call him my surrogate older brother because he lived two houses down from my family for several years in our youth, and he and my brother were best friends. As cliched as it was, Patrick always knew when we would be having dinner and would show up about five minutes before hand, so it became the joke that he was my parent's second son. Therefore my surrogate older brother. Congratulations on your new baby boy!!

2) I ran for 15 whole minutes at a 5.2 mph pace. YAY ME. I totally rock at running. Even though I'm miserable the whole time. Tomorrow I plan to do 18 minutes at 5.0. Small steps, small steps.

Ooh, extra bonus awesome thing that I just remembered:

When I stopped by the leasing office for our apartment today to drop off our move-in inspection (yes, I know, we moved in last Saturday, but I'm a little behind on the times), I found out during a conversation with one of the leasing consultants that the TV show Dexter sometimes does location shooting right down the street from our building, and might even be shooting this weekend. At least, some TV show is shooting, but it might also be CSI: Miami, 'cuz apparently they like to rock it Long Beach style as well. But I hope it's Dexter. I LOVE DEXTER!

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