Some of These Things are Not Like the Others

Happiness is:

1) Finding out that my new laptop shipped today. From China. My laptop is Chinese-American.

2) Only hitting two red lights on PCH on my way home from work on a Friday.

3) Getting home and finding a Happy One Year Anniversary card from my parents with a $75 check inside and orders to go out and have a nice dinner.

Happiness is NOT:

1) Stupid drivers in the parking garage by my apartment that I have to use, that also services a Wal-Mart, if that tells you anything, who will sit for five minutes blocking the one way aisle while they wait for other people to unload their stuffed-to-the-brim shopping carts into their trunks and get in their cars and drive away, when they could have just driven around to the next aisle over and this is why America is obese. Would walking 30 extra feet before you get in your motorized shopping cart that you don't actually need really kill you?!

2) Having to flick a bug off my left leg as I sit here writing this post because now I feel bugs everywhere.

Well, if I have more happy things than bad things, I think that makes it a pretty good day!

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